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The doctor called the methods of rehabilitation after coronavirus

Patients who have had a serious illness need a whole range of rehabilitation measures

Rehabilitation after suffering a coronavirus depends on the severity of the disease, and the complex of restorative measures should be started as early as possible. Tatiana Neeshpapa, a first category pulmonologist, a general practitioner, a member of the Russian Respiratory Society, told “Arguments and Facts” about the basic rules.

The specialist noted that rehabilitation is not needed for patients who have suffered a mild illness – with damage to the upper respiratory tract, without pneumonia. In this case, the body recovers on its own. The doctor emphasized that the residual cough after coronavirus can remain up to a month and a half, but this is not considered an indication for continuing the course of taking antibiotics. Massage and breathing exercises, as well as mucoactive drugs to facilitate the discharge of phlegm, can contribute to recovery.

Patients with an average degree of pneumonia after improvement of their health and the beginning of positive dynamics of the disease are recommended pulmonary rehabilitation with an individual selection of exercises with a gradual increase in their intensity and duration. Russians who have had a serious illness and were in intensive care need a whole range of rehabilitation measures.

The physician said that pulmonary rehabilitation consists of the following exercises: deep and slow breathing at a frequency of 12-15 times per minute, as well as the correct inhalation and exhalation technique (belly breathing, exhaling with closed lips folded into a tube). Doctors use vibration massage to improve the discharge of sputum and mucus – they tap on the patient’s chest for 10-20 minutes. You should also do breathing exercises in various poses – lying on your stomach, on your side at an angle of 135 degrees, lying on an inclined surface with your head down at an angle of 30–45 degrees to the floor. These measures are necessary to prevent stagnation from appearing in the lower parts of the lungs.

When the patient gets stronger, he can engage in breathing exercises with constant or intermittent positive pressure on exhalation, exercises on an exercise bike in a supine position. After discharge, with good health, doctors advise aerobic exercise lasting 20-30 minutes three times a week for 8-12 weeks. After that, their intensity and duration should be increased. It is best to start with walking, not running and exercise equipment, summed up Neeshpapa.

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