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The Dlouhé Twins (†52): Talented hotties rock the STREET

Both approached the job offer differently. “I considered all possible avenues, but I didn’t hesitate for too long because I was excited about the role,” Jiří confided to Blesk.cz His brother, on the other hand, was unsure and hesitated whether to go into it. “I was surprised by the offer from Ulica. From the beginning, I wasn’t sure if we should accept such a regular filming schedule when we are in our first year at the Prague Conservatory, where missing classes is considered a ‘fatal act’.” Jan explained.

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In the end, however, the boys decided to shoot mainly on weekends, so their studies will not be significantly affected. In Ulica, they will play the brothers Matěj and Marko Dvořák and will belong to the class of serial professor Magda, aka Veronika Čermák Macková. Allegedly, they are supposed to take care of the commotion in the Klím family.

This week in Ulica: What are Mára and Karla hiding, who are the new twins at school and what does journalist Tomášek sniff out this time?

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