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The Divisive World of Juventus: Exploring the Identity and Values of the Most Loved and Hated Club

Daniele Galosso Tuesday 7 November 2023, 6.01pm

Football, in a historical era marked by the galloping polarization of thought, certainly does not represent the proverbial exception to the rule. Football, ever since the world began, has been an extremely divisive topic of discussion. And, in Italy, it divides the world more than ever Juventus, the most loved and at the same time the most hated club. A scenario that was valid yesterday and which, even more so, is valid today, in the age of social media and superficial comments. To the point that, in the sociological panorama currently drawn by football fans, since its inception the project Juventus identity has achieved great success.

Juventus values

Yes, but what is it? Jdentità Bianconera is a Foundation (therefore an institutional body with a very specific legal status, not a detail) which aims to respond “to the powerful cry for help of the Juventus fans who for years have been attacked, insulted and denigrated with almost impunity”, we read in the mission of reality which – in a rather evocative way – saw the light last 24 July, the date of the centenary of the first presidency Lambs. And in fact the Foundation, statute in hand, holds the right to legally represent the widespread interest of the values ​​of Juventus support, through a large legal team that promotes official actions to protect Juventus supporters.

Lippi-Allegri, Conte in a Juve shirt: the most iconic photos of the Agnelli party

2023-11-07 17:01:00
#Juventus #identity #Juventus #support #defends #poisons #social #aggressions

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