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“The Divisions between Two Peoples Living in Bulgaria: A Controversial Opinion Piece”

FACTS posts opinions with a wide range of viewpoints to encourage constructive debate.

I’m starting with a bad one!

An ambulance driver was beaten. Sounds familiar. He was beaten not because he caused an accident, not because he was guilty, but because he came to the scene of an accident. An accident caused by other people. But the other people find the driver guilty and a fight ensues.

Between the lines, the reader of this news can guess what it is about. About what kind of people participated, what kind of perceptions they have and last but not least, what ethnicities they are from. But that’s just between the lines, because that’s the news. It is politically correct not to know. And it is in ignorance that myths are born. And is the following a myth:

Two peoples live on the territory of Bulgaria. This nation (which should not be named) does not take into account the morals of the other nation – the Bulgarians (here there is no problem with the naming), because they, the first, have their own morality. A strange morality bordering on a criminal one. For them, sleeping with a child is a cultural feature. A crime is only a crime when their court recognizes it as such. For them, it matters to whom the crime was committed – to a representative of their people or to another.

Except they have different morals. They live in a different world.

For them, parasitism is not parasitism, but a way of life. It’s even some kind of trick. Existential value. Life wisdom, if you will. Go to Pirogov at midnight and you’ll know what I mean.

Their clan division is incomprehensible to us. Curious and incomprehensible. Sometimes, in trying to explain their crimes, we deal with concepts like poverty or domesticity or lack of education. But the facts are that they do not understand what we are telling them. Everything is perfect until you have to go to jail. But it’s not their fault either. It just happened that way. They do not make sense of the Bulgarian laws. They understand them, but take them for some abstract evil that prevents them from living their proper lives.

For them, lying is elevated into a sympathetic sport, and suffers censure only occasionally. When he caught them. In fact, with them, everything is reprehensible only sometimes.

It is also not the fault of education that they are different. They don’t particularly need our education. It’s visible on everything. We can impose it, pressure them with some annoying things like progress, but let’s not lie, our national heroes are not theirs. They will never be theirs. Not because they are bad people, but because they are another nation and have their own national heroes. Or they don’t have any. Or do they not need them? Who knows?

As long as they can have the opportunity to parasitize, they will. This is not something immoral, but a manifestation of superior cunning.

Two peoples live on this land. So different that even marriage between different representatives is frowned upon. Both on one side and on the other. Believe me.

P.P. The best proof of the extent of this problem is that I didn’t mention once which people it was about, but you all understood me. Right?

For those who don’t understand, the answer is no! Not the Toltecs!

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2023-04-18 08:51:00

#peoples #territory

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