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The Divine Ship of China’s Great Ambition ” Dominates ” the Universe

BEIJING – A spaceship Shenzhou-12 or Divine Ship China will take off from the Gobi Desert by boarding the Long March rocket in the next few days.

The craft will transport three men to an orbiting module in space for a three-month mission. The mission will be the first time China has sent a human into space in nearly five years.

The Divine Ship will be the third of 11 missions the Chinese space station must complete before 2022.

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Four of the 11 missions involved humans. The four missions are likely to launch up to 12 Chinese astronauts into space. That’s more than the 11 astronauts China has sent into space since 2003.

China, which aims to become a major space power by 2030, in May became the second country to deploy a rover, two years after sending its first spacecraft on the other side of the Moon.

Zhang Rongqiao, an official at China’s National Space Administration and chief planner of the Tianwen 1 Mars mission, said China would not be satisfied with a single success.

“Our ultimate plan in the future is to interplanetary exploration is a Jupiter mission. Humanity still lacks comprehensive knowledge of the Jovian system, and has only carried out a few operations there,” Zhang said.

The gas giant planet, said Zahang, has great opportunities for scientific research and other discoveries.

In addition to its scientific value, the expedition to Jupiter will lead to the development of new discoveries and technologies.

“Such a mission would require us to develop new technologies such as spacecraft, better tracking and control, and improved energy sources,” he explained.

“In short, this will significantly boost our space exploration capabilities.”

Zhang did not provide details about the planned mission, schedule or what exploration methods would be.

Spaceship The first to visit Jupiter was United States Pioneer 10, in 1973. Since then, the planet has been visited by several passing probes and orbiters.


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