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The Divine Scenario | BoDoï, comic book explorer


The Divine Scenario





21.50 €





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le_divin_scenario_image1Oops, small error of agenda: God forgot to give birth and to launch all the Christic machine on Earth. Never mind, he sends a trusted angel, the famous Gabriel, to find a woman who reads named Marie, to tell her the good news and everything. Except that … nothing will happen as written, at least in the Bible, and Gabriel – not helped by a smartphone with poorly updated GPS – will discover Love, its joys and its torments with Scheherazade, Dante Aligieri, Emma Bovary or Marylin Monroe. While Lucifer prowls …

If he is not himself divine, the screenplay by Jacky Beneteaud (Inside Pages) is fucked up, erudite and kindly sacrilegious, full of gags and references, both to ancient myths and to the golden age of Hollywood. Codes and winks that may repel the reader who does not master them, but which will delight those who know some (and a list of these references is included at the end of the book, phew!). And beyond this anthology, it is the perpetually offbeat humor that delights over the chapters, even if an impression of repetition and a certain weariness intervene at the umpteenth stage of Gabriel before not arriving in Nazareth. Fortunately, Fabrizio Dori’s vivid drawing (The Wandering God), who transforms the Art Nouveau style into a bright and modern design, is enough most of the time to bewitch. Thanks to a subtle and daring use of colors, a perfect digestion of pictorial styles across the centuries, and a rare sense of movement. An album not divine, but almost.


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