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the disturbing truths of Professor Perronne

In his vitriol test *, Professor Perronne, one of the most eminent French infectious disease specialists, questions the bosses of the health system.

Printed at 7,000 copies at the start, arriving at 35,000 after four emergency reprints in one week, the work of Professor Christian Perronne, head of department at Garches University Hospital, dissecting the Covid episode, is a champion of the moment. Fitting with the contested air of the time, the infectious disease specialist who for fifteen years was a public health advisor to the ministry, does not shoot on sight: he ducks. The whole government, of which he pointed out minutely, throughout the crisis, each failure, each blunder and denial, takes it for its rank.

Professor Delfraissy in the viewfinder

But it is with his peers on the scientific council, accomplices at least according to him of such mistakes, that the faller of Lyme disease is most uncompromising. “Puffy of certainties”, “having for the most part no experience in the management of health crises”, “more occupied in conciliating the favors of power than in seeking a remedy”, “deaf to the suggestions of their colleagues”, Perronne reproaches them for hanging around when there was a fire. “It was necessary by a long procedure to verify that the fire hose was approved before risking fighting the flames …”

Also read.Covid-19: About chloroquine and the unimaginable shortage of masks in France

In the end, it’s not so much Professor Raoult whom he supports, but the relentlessness against his treatment with hydroxychloroquine which he denounces. Christian Perronne guesses the shadow of the lobby of the laboratories and big pharmaceuticals of which he denounces the intensive lobbying. By the way we learn that the Discovery essay, claimed loud and clear, is the project of a consortium created by Jean-François Delfraissy, president of the famous scientific council.

* “Is there an error that they did not commit?”, Of Christian Perronne, ed. Albin Michel

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