Lundteigen emphasizes that he has not taken a position on the vote in the Storting.
Minister of Health and Care Services Ingvild Kjerkol (Labor Party) has pointed out that the plans for the New Oslo University Hospital have been discussed several times, both in the Storting and in Oslo Municipality, and that it is now a matter of implementing the project. The plan is for Ullevål hospital to be closed down, and replaced by new buildings at Gaustad and Aker.
The Labor Party, the Socialist People’s Party, the Christian Democrats and the Conservative Party secure a majority against Rødt’s proposal. Rødt’s health policy spokesperson Seher Aydar is disappointed with Sp.
She also challenges Oslo Ap’s parliamentary representatives, who have opposed the closure of Ullevål hospital and the use of state regulation.
Rødt receives support from SV, Frp and Pasientfokus, as well as from Venstre and MDG, which do not sit on the health and care committee.
Q: – Kjipt
SP’s health policy spokesperson, Lisa Marie Ness Klungland, says the party is following up the Hurdal platform.
– This is an issue we had to address in the negotiations with the Labor Party. We follow Helse Sør Øst’s plan and are bound by it. To implement the plan, state regulation is necessary, says Næss Klungland.
When asked what it is like for SP to overtake Oslo municipality and adopt state regulation of the Gaustad site and the closure of Ullevål hospital, the SP representative answers:
– Of course it’s weird. But as I said, this is the result of the negotiations on Hurdalssjøen, which the parliamentary groups of the Labor Party and the Socialist People’s Party adopted in October last year. Now we have to work further with our breakthroughs, such as evaluating the health trusts, which are the root of a lot of pain, says Næss Klungland.
Lundteigen mot
Per Olaf Lundteigen has previously warned the government against using a state zoning plan and overriding local democracy. In a debate in the Storting in December last year, he said that the regulatory process in Oslo must be completed.
– Oslo Municipality’s planning department is Norway’s largest and should be supremely best suited to see all aspects of the zoning plan case. After the professional planning authority has made its assessment, the Oslo City Council will, in the usual way, take a position on the zoning plan.
– I will therefore challenge the other health policy spokespersons in this room to have their say, if they agree with such a normal local democratic treatment of the zoning plan, the case of building new hospitals for Oslo University Hospital, ie to oppose the state zoning plan.
– This is a gigantic project with so many weaknesses, professionally and financially. The process is in conflict with everything that is required of hospital planning, says Lundteigen.
Sp and the Labor Party refer to the Hurdal platform, which states that the government “shall ensure that the entire population of Groruddalen receives local hospital services at Nye Aker Hospital as soon as possible and implement changes in hospital structure in Oslo in accordance with approved plans.”
The government parties receive support from the Conservatives and the Christian Democrats in that the construction of new hospitals in Oslo must not be put on hold, but progress must be ensured through the use of a state plan.
– Powerful Ap-press
– What do you think about the SP in government securing a majority to close Ullevål hospital and use a state plan to build a new one at Gaustad?
– It is the result of strong pressure from the Labor Party. No one did a more solid job of securing Ullevål hospital in the previous parliamentary term than the Center Party. We have been the rock that has been responsible for a sound planning process.
– Does that mean that you can vote against Sp’s recommendation when the case comes to a vote?
– That could mean it. There is nothing about the state zoning plan in the Hurdal platform, says Lundteigen.
In connection with the committee’s deliberations, Rødt has asked Minister of Health Ingvild Kjerkol when all districts in Groruddalen will have Aker Hospital as their local hospital.
By 2035
Kjerkol replies that the transfer will take place gradually. The specialist health service for the Alna district will be transferred as part of phase 1, together with the responsibility for mental health care and interdisciplinary specialized drug treatment for the Stovner and Grorud districts.
– The responsibility for somatic activities for the districts Stovner and Grorud is transferred to Nye Aker in phase 2, writes Kjerkol.
It is further stated that Helse Sør-Øst RHF can not say when the specialist health service responsibility for somatics for the districts Grorud and Stovner will be transferred to Nye Aker.
– But they have assumed in their long-term plans that the target picture from the corporate meeting in June 2016 will be realized by 2035, the letter states.
Planning for sale
Rødt has also asked whether the sale of the Ullevål site is a prerequisite for carrying out stage 2 of the project. They point out that Oslo University Hospital in its long-term plan for 2019-2062 has the land sale included as part of the financing.
Kjerkol answers that when the professionals have moved to Gaustad or Aker, Helse Sør-Øst and Oslo University Hospital will be left with a significant building stock at Ullevål, including listed buildings.
– The decision on the use and sale of all or parts of this plot will come in connection with the realization of the second stage of the project, but it is true that in OUS ‘own financial long-term plans are set as a prerequisite for realizing the plans fully, writes Kjerkol.
She says that in such cases there is a “general requirement that released funds be used to repay debts or investments in permanent assets in the specialist health service”
– Say it straight
Rødt’s Seher Aydar does not think the answers provide any clarification.
– As I read the Minister, the transfer of the entire Groruddalen to Aker Hospital will take place in phase 2, and the prerequisite for this move is the sale of the Ullevål site. If that’s the case, she’s right. Kjerkol tries to push Groruddalen in front of him to justify the project, but no one can answer when or if they actually get their hospital back. This is a big deal, with big money and huge health consequences, but with such vague plans. It’s hair-raising, says Aydar.