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The disgusting Mexican film so as not to return to Cinépolis in the middle of a pandemic

Moviegoers, be careful what you watch in the movies. And even more so in times when risking going to a room represents a risk of getting infected.

The Mexican filmmaker Agustin Tapia direct the movie Be careful what you wish for, which heads the tip of few premieres on the billboard of movie complexes. This after, in the midst of more than 82 thousand infected with the new coronavirus, the authorities considered it appropriate to open the cinemas.

Despite this, Be careful what you wish for It is a Mexican tape that was recorded prior to the pandemic causing confinement throughout the world. And it stars Fernanda Castillo, Valery Sais, Iván Arana and Juan Ríos.

According to the director, his main works of inspiration were the mystery stories of the British writer Agatha Christie, as well as suspense series like Alfred Hitchcock presenta, from 1955, and the fantastic The unknown dimension, 1959. But, readers, nothing is further from the truth.


With a woman involved, two brothers plot to murder each other during the birthday party of one of their daughter. The suspense builds when a sinister-looking doll comes to life.


There are movies that do not recommend even your worst enemy. These are films that you not only regret watching, but the feeling they leave after watching them is similar to having fought with your mother on Mother’s Day.

And it is that although there are films that become works of worship because of how bad they are, there are others that simply should not have been made because they represent a plain work without joke or quality.

In this category enter Be careful what you wish for, a feature film that, although at its core, develops a suspenseful story, it also adds touches of terror and fantasy through a doll that comes to life.

Let’s start with the latter, since it was what caught my attention the most. And it is that in Mexican cinema there are few examples of horror films with evil dolls in between, being Horror holiday (1989, René Cardona) the best known.

For that reason, and probably, the incursion of this doll, named Hellequin, is the only and lonely success of the feature film. Since Tapia’s daring to introduce a sinister jester like a pinch of terror in her work is appreciated.

However, and like the rest of the elements of the film, the doll lacks quality. Quite the opposite. It is a character taken to CGI effects in an unlikely and even ridiculous way, reminiscent of the old 3D animations of a decade ago.

It is not unusual that during the course of the plot there is a uncoordination between Hellequin’s movements and that of the actors, mainly the girl. Which speaks too much of the little ingenuity that creatives had, contrary to what happens, for example, in series B movies.

Therefore, it cannot be argued that due to the low investment there was a poor quality. Although Hellequin is a good idea, its execution is not. And worse still, the role he plays in the film is relegated by the suspenseful plot posed by the script written by Tapia himself.

The script, in fact, also lacks credible dialogues and he opts for presenting characters with participations that border on unreality. Which increases due to misinterpretations that only cause annoyance to the viewer.

Special effects, story, performances, dialogue … what else could go wrong? Well, the edition. With this I speak about the deficient relationship between scene and scene.

And that’s it, moviegoers … don’t take the risk to see a movie that is not worth the risk of going to theaters.

*Recommendation: 0 stars out of 5. A real crap.

*Platform: Premiere of Cinépolis

* And you, what Mexican horror movie do you recommend?

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