Home » today » News » The discussion between the woman who was walking her dog in Bariloche and the police officers: “What part of the isolation do you not understand?”

The discussion between the woman who was walking her dog in Bariloche and the police officers: “What part of the isolation do you not understand?”

A woman was detained in Bariloche this sunday when took his dog for a walk. Five police officers forcibly took her onto a patrol car claiming that she had violated the measure that prohibits the movement of people, as part of the health protocols to prevent COVID-19 infections. Now, a video shows what the moments before she was taken to prison were like.

“It’s horrible, I go out for a walk with my dog ​​and you are bothering me. You don’t have the right to do that, “Sabrina Coria claimed to the police who are chasing her with the patrol car.

The agents asked him to put on the chinstrap, since the woman was with her face uncovered, and they explained: “Today is Sunday ma’am, no one can leave“.

Faced with this, the woman complained that her dog needed to go out and denounced that They chased her three blocks asking her over the loudspeaker to return home.

When she saw that they were filming her, she took out her cell phone, gave her name, surname and ID, and asked the agents to give her their information. The police officers introduced themselves as “First Sergeant Carlos Acosta, from Unit 80” and “Cabo Altamirano.”

What part of isolation do you not understand ma’am?What country do you live in? “, Asks the sergeant in dialogue with the woman.

In the video, the woman complains to the police that they are “wasting time” with her, and she replies that she lives in a country where while they are following her “they are killing, raping girls and stealing.” Then, she leaves and continues her walk.

Minutes later, a few meters from the place, the arrest occurred that went viral on social networks with the hashtag #LiberenaSabrina. In that video, you can see how five agents surround the woman and the dog, and they stop her while she screams in despair.

Sabrina he regained his freedom several hours later and was at the disposal of the prosecution, but a criminal case was initiated for failing to comply with article 205 of the Penal Code, which determines between six months to two years in prison for those who do not comply with “the measures adopted by the competent authorities to prevent the introduction or spread of an epidemic.”

Faced with a breach of this rule, the Police have the power to arrest people and even to hijack their vehicle, if it moves on a road.

“According to what the police personnel informed me, the lady was repeatedly asked to return to her home with the dog. He did not do it, on the contrary, he began to insult them “, assured the prosecutor on duty Martin Govetto, who is investigating the cause, according to what the newspaper reported Black river.

No one has to be mistreated. A few minutes ago I contacted the Rio Negro Security Minister to investigate the facts that have been exposed in a video that has gone viral, “wrote the mayor of Bariloche Gustavo Genusso in their social networks, in defense of Sabrina.

And he explained: “Although today circulation in the city was prohibited in health protection, deterrence must be within a framework of respect and kindness. Nothing should make us forget that we are ALL neighbors who are having a difficult time. “

How are the traffic restrictions in Bariloche?

Between Monday, August 3 and Sunday, 16, the Municipal Executive implemented additional preventive measures against the spread of the coronavirus, which generated more than 200 cases in a week.

In this way, the scheme of Departures according to the completion of the DNI to go shopping at essential and non-essential stores. The merchants also suffered a limitation of their hours, since they were authorized to open from Monday to Saturday, from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.

The measure included the closing of all shops on Sundays, with the exception of pharmacies and service stations. Furthermore, it was not allowed to circulate on any day after 7pm and all day on Sundays.

This Monday, the deadline for these restrictions ended and the authorities announced that several limitations are being lifted, including the DNI system to go to shops. In addition, the opening hours of shops were extended until 8:00 p.m. and that of movement of people, between 6:00 and 21:00.

However, on Sundays the restrictions and the closure of shops will continue.

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