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The Disappearance of Miley Cyrus: Breaking Free from the Modern Mystery School Sect

Now almost nothing is heard about the artist.

Miley Cyrus has always actively shared episodes from her life on social networks, and also talked about her work and plans for the future. However, recently the artist disappeared from sight. Fans became worried, and then a rumor appeared in the media that the superstar had become a member of the Modern Mystery School sect.

Family psychologist Natalya Panfilova told the portal PopCornNews about how celebrities break out of this captivity.

“First of all, you need to allow loved ones to help you. Because when a person falls into a sect, the first thing that is done is to cut off all ties, ”the expert said.

The help of relatives can be decisive in this matter, because a person is unlikely to get out on his own. Traditionally, such communities do everything to ensure that their wards do not even think about leaving.

“Entering a sect is easy, but getting out is not so easy. As a rule, a sect does everything to make it inconvenient for a person to leave this sect. Or in general it may be impossible up to threats, ”the psychologist explained.

Natalia Panfilova claims that a sectarian can apply for support not only to his family. It can be friends or just loved ones. It is quite difficult to get out of this situation on your own.

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