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The director of World of Warcraft talks about the rumors of its arrival on consoles

You will be more than happy with the announcement of the latest expansion of World of Warcraft, not? Look, I made the news a long time ago When will the announcement of this take place?. Well, she completely forgot me, just like that. Although I have justification, and it is that I quite disconnect from all the events and announcements that they take from the games that I no longer play. And if I find out about these it is because I have to come to inform youwhat if nothing.

In addition to presenting all the news, those responsible for World of Warcraft They wanted to clarify some little matter that was up in the air. Do you remember all the rumors that came out about the arrival of this to consoles? well finally have spoken about itand it is not a very hopeful answer.

Will World of Warcraft come to consoles?

  • The middle IGN have had the opportunity to speak with Ion HazzikostasDirector of World of Warcraftafter announcing the game’s latest expansion ✍
  • In this interview the director was asked if the game will come to consoles in the future
  • However, the answer given by this it’s quite negative: the game is designed for PC as well that will not come to console
    • “I do not think that World of Warcraft is a game designed from the ground up for PC.”
  • But hey, at least those of you on PC can fully enjoy this and the announced expansion. Although let’s see if they announce their date now, right? Inside trailer! ✌

If I start to imagine what the game would look like on console, it makes me even weird. I don’t care if the game comes to console or not. I got off this drug a long time ago, and I don’t want to go back. Would you like this change?

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