Home » today » Entertainment » The director of ‘Train to Busan’ proposes on Netflix a review of superhero cinema with spectacular effects

The director of ‘Train to Busan’ proposes on Netflix a review of superhero cinema with spectacular effects

Can you be spectacular and intimate at the same time? If anyone can have the answer to this, it is Yeon Sang-ho, director of ‘Train to Busan’, that zombie epic that could be both exciting and emotional at the same time. In this exclusive premiere of Netflix that did not attract too much attention a few years ago, it launches a similar experiment, but instead of approaching the infected cinema, he does it with superheroes: ‘Psychokinesis’ (2018), which you can watch on netflix.

Here we will meet a failed father who wants to regain contact with his daughter when her mother dies. That death has happened during an eviction that is on the verge of sending the girl out of business. But our troubled father discovers that he has a special ability: to move objects (or even himself, which will allow him to fly) with his mind. Soon the power grows and grows, and he decides to put it at the service of those most in need.

With a harmless violence typical of a film for all audiences, and exhibiting a naivete that connects with the family adventure cinema of the eighties, ‘Psychokinesis’ seems to vindicate an escapism that, however, suppurates some very well-directed social criticism. The message with an anti-capitalist point and denouncing housing speculators is very clear.

Whether you are interested in an alternative vision of superheroes to Marvel or proof that the genre may be worn out but not exhausted if enough originality is sought, ‘Psychokinesis’ is a very interesting proposal. Compromising yet fast-paced, with great effects but uncomplicated, this film by Yeon Sang-ho is as iconoclastic as all of his cinema… but much more gentle.

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