Cáritas Española celebrates the approval this Thursday of the new Law on Cooperation for Sustainable Development and Global Solidarity. “The new regulation, whose preparation process has lasted more than a year, strengthens and adapts our legal framework to the needs and global challenges that we are facing,” he explains. Pedro Jailertechnician of the Political Advocacy Team of Cáritas Española.
The need to update the Law and make a real commitment to foreign policies in terms of development cooperation, was one of the measures demanded by Caritas from political parties for this legislature (Political Proposals). “Its approval by broad political consensus is a fact to be celebrated by the sector and Spanish society,” he adds.
Among the aspects and improvements included, and that Cáritas values positively, are the commitment contained in the articles to reach 0.7% of GNI destined for development aid by 2030; the flexibility and recognition of the particularity of humanitarian action; the promotion of policy coherence, which we hope will promote and guide sustainable development to foreign action in other ministries and administrations; the inclusion of approaches to childhood and adolescence and care for the environment, among others.
Also, decentralized cooperation is strengthened, new decision-making and economic management instruments and procedures are established with the aim of gaining agility and civil society is recognized as an empowering element for strengthening democracies.
After the approval of this law, during the next six months, equally fundamental instruments of the regulatory architecture of Spanish cooperation must be approved, such as the VI Master Plan, the reform of the AECID, the Statute of cooperating persons, the Statute of Spanish Fund for Sustainable Development, the Royal Decree on subsidies, or the Regulations of the Higher Council for Development Cooperation.
During the development of these instruments, Cáritas will continue to make contributions along the lines of including claims not included in the Law and which represent aspects to be improved, such as a budget roadmap with the aim of making 0.7% of GNI a reality. earmarked for development aid.
“Cáritas positively values participation and will continue to contribute to these processes in the different constructive and dialogue spaces, especially within the framework of the NGDO Coordinator”, explains Carceller. “From civil society, and especially from Cáritas, -he adds- we will continue to contribute so that development cooperation continues to reflect the commitment of the Administration of our country as a guarantor of the human rights of all societies”.