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The difficulties of the self-employed have increased during the crisis

Posted on Jan 18, 2021 at 7:30 am

Independence has a few drawbacks that have proven to be particularly significant during this Covid-19 crisis. According to a study carried out by the Union des autoentrepreneurs among 3,320 autoentrepreneurs – 18% of whom work through a web platform – after the first confinement 45% of those questioned have still not found a turnover of 20 % of their activity volume in 2019. About 80% of autoentrepreneurs have a turnover down 40% or more compared to 2019. This shows the depth of the crisis on the self-employed and the scars that she can potentially leave.

The necessary support

Admittedly, so far, only 5% of people questioned have simply stopped their activity in the face of difficulties. But half of these autoentrepreneurs find themselves without income and end up with the active solidarity income (RSA). A quarter is registered as a jobseeker with Pôle emploi, part of which is probably at the end of rights. “Self-employed people who stop their activity are candidates for social minima. It is essential to support them out of the crisis to allow them to return to a normal level of activity “, insists François Hurel, president of the Union des autoentrepreneurs. Because how to live and hold on with a turnover and therefore income which has plunged by 40%? It is not impossible that many will throw in the towel in the future, discouraged. So far, some autoentrepreneurs have received aid from the solidarity fund, but they are in the minority. Barely one in five has benefited from it.

This is why François Hurel proposes that Bercy pay aid of 500 to 600 euros per month for six months to all autoentrepreneurs for whom it is the main source of income, excluding retirees and those who benefit from the solidarity fund. Around 400,000 people would be affected at a cost of over 1 billion euros. “There will be a windfall effect for those whose turnover exceeds 30,000 euros per year but it is necessary to avoid the chopping effect for those who are less than 10,000 euros per year”, according to the boss of the Union des autoentrepreneurs.

Avoid the unemployment box

The Minister Delegate in charge of SMEs, Alain Griset, is due to receive the social partners on January 20 to discuss improving unemployment compensation for the self-employed. But “We must avoid recourse to unemployment which will become for autoentrepreneurs a poverty trap because it is difficult to get up when you fail and stop your activity. On the contrary, it would be preferable to support autoentrepreneurs to get back on their feet ”, believes François Hurel. “It’s time to give shape to whatever it costs”, he concludes. The ball is in Bercy’s court.

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