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the difficult question of human bones discovered during archaeological excavations

The archaeological excavation site at Place Fournier in Limoges has just been completed. He unearthed more than 150 skeletons from the 13th and 14th centuries. But what will become of these human bones? Will they find a grave?

Finding human skeletons under the Place Fournier, in the center of Limoges, did not really surprise the archaeologists of INRAP, in charge of preventive excavations between February 6 and April 23, 2021. They already knew of the existence of graves, not far from there, near the remains of the Saint-Martial abbey.

The discovery of skeletons

Only four meters below the square, bones from medieval times have been discovered. More deeply, other skeletons, older, dating from the early Middle Ages, between the 5th and 7th centuries have also been brought to light. In all, 150 individuals.

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