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The Difference Between the Solar System and the Universe That Is Still Rarely Known

The difference between the solar system and the universe is still very rarely known. Most assume that the two terms are synonymous.

However, in reality the two things are very different. Even so, the two are still related. Simply put, the universe or universe covered everything. Including the solar system.

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Finding Out the Difference Between the Solar System and the Universe

Important terms in astronomy are the solar system and the universe. Scientists continue to research various related fields in it.

Although at first glance they look the same, they are clearly different. The universe is vast and contains many things planetstars, galaxies, and all forms of energy and matter.

While the solar system is a collection of celestial bodies that interact with each other or simply is a system orbiting the center Galaksi Bima Sakti.

To know for sure the difference between the solar system and the universe, first consider the following understanding of the two.

What is the Universe?

Actually it is quite difficult to explain the definition of the universe itself. universe or universe comes from the Old Latin ‘Univorsum’.

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The word ‘uni’ means referring to “one”. While ‘versum’ can mean ‘something that rolls or spins’.

Subsequently the Latin term was adapted in French and English ‘Universe’ which means universe. Universe includes all planets, galaxies, stars, even all existing particles.

Most astronomers believe that the universe was created as a single point of infinite density.

In the Big Bang theory, the universe first appeared about 13-14 billion years ago through an explosion of energy and light.

Until now there has been no study that can explain with certainty the entire universe. But in the latest observations, the diameter of the universe is about 8.8 x 1026 m or 93 billion light years.

In Ancient Greece, humans believed that the Earth was the center of the universe. Until finally in the 16th century heliocentric theory emerged.

Through this theory, it was finally explained that the Earth is not the center of the universe and the Sun is only the center of the solar system.

The difference between the solar system and the first universe can be seen from this that the universe has no center.

Understanding the Solar System

Furthermore, there is an understanding of the solar system which is a collection of celestial bodies with the Sun as its center. The planetary system that humans know today is what is meant by the solar system or solar system.

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The word ‘solar’ comes from the Latin ‘sol’ which means sun. That is, the solar system is everything related to the Sun as its main object.

The solar system belongs to a small part of the universe. The Milky Way galaxy is the orbital center of the solar system itself.

There are several important objects in the solar system, namely the parent star, the inner planets, and the outer planets.

The main star of the solar system, of course, is the Sun. Everything in the solar system orbits this one big star.

Then there are the inner planets which are close to the Sun. The inner planets include Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars.

The final arrangement of the solar system is the outer planets. The planets in this system are at great distances from the Sun, but still orbit.

The list of outer planets is Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, and Uranus. Apart from planets, there are also comets, meteoroids, asteroids, and satellites.

That way, the difference between the solar system and the next universe is at the limit they have. The solar system is so small that its boundaries are clearly visible.

This is different from the universe, which has not yet detected its limit.

Main Difference

After knowing the meaning and a few differences, it’s time to conclude the main differences between these two important astronomical terms.

The solar system is a system of planets and celestial bodies that revolve around their stars. All solar system will form the universe.

In our solar system there are planets, satellites, comets, and so on that interact with each other while orbiting the Sun.

Whereas the universe basically refers to the whole, including space and dark matter. Universe very broad and limitless. It even includes the solar system and galaxies.

In the end, the difference between the solar system and the universe can be seen clearly when it comes to the scope of matter to its size. (R10 / HR-Online / Editor-Ndu)

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