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The difference between social insurance and social security 1445

We will discuss the difference between social insurance and social security This matter concerns a large group of people in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at the present time, as these matters benefit the person greatly financially in the current economic conditions, and through this article we show you The difference between social insurance and social security.

The difference between social insurance and social security

The Saudi government, through the Saudi Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development, clarified some matters regarding the difference between social insurance and social security in full, and these differences include many different matters, as social insurance is provided to workers in the state from all different civilian or military categories for the purpose of providing They have the possibility of obtaining financial support after the end of service.

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As for social security, it is one of the factors and initiatives that the government has fully provided to help the poorest families live fully according to the economic circumstances of each family. It explained that for this support, the family must provide proof of its need in order to be able to obtain this financial support.

Conditions for registration in social insurance

The General Organization for Social Insurance in Saudi Arabia has clarified some of the conditions that every person must adhere to in order to receive salaries and financial support from Social Insurance. The most prominent of these conditions we present to you below:

  • The person must be of Saudi origin and nationality.
  • The person must have subscribed to the insurance system for a period ranging between 60 and 120 months.
  • The pension the person receives should not be less than 1,500 Saudi riyals.
  • The person must be over the legal age of 60 years.
  • Full residence in Saudi Arabia.
  • The person must not have any other source of income in the country.

Conditions for registration in Social Security

There are some conditions that every person must fulfill in order to be able to register and obtain social security support, and these conditions vary greatly, and we show you the most prominent and important of these conditions as follows:

  • Holding Saudi citizenship and permanent residency in the country.
  • The person must not have any significant real estate or financial assets in the country.
  • His salary does not exceed the limit that prevents him from obtaining financial support.
  • The person must not reside in a prison or various shelters.

In this article, we have presented and explained to you the possibility of learning about all the differences between social insurance and social security in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, completely and simply, from the registration method and conditions for registration.

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2023-12-03 16:43:01
#difference #social #insurance #social #security

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