Home » today » Entertainment » The diet with which Queen Maxima of the Netherlands lost 10 kilos was known | Cuyo’s diary

The diet with which Queen Maxima of the Netherlands lost 10 kilos was known | Cuyo’s diary

Few days ago Máxima Zorreguieta celebrated her 49th birthday, and despite being loved by the Dutch people and considered the most charismatic monarch in Europe, The queen has been criticized for carrying out strict diets throughout her life because she looked chubby, and wanted to comply with established social mandates and canons of beauty.

The queen of the Netherlands, who is also weighted as one of the most elegant and always flirtatious among all the royalties, has sometimes felt that the clothes did not fit her as she liked and that is why diets were a constant.

The last process he underwent was a developed method by a Dutch company called New Fysic and It consisted of a plan rich in protein, as well as a total elimination of carbohydrates, suppression of sweets and few fruits and vegetables.

Also, everything must be steamed, baked or grilled. This eating plan stipulates that you eat small portions five times a day, to try to control anxiety, and includes green leafy vegetables, chicken breast, fish, milk, eggs and fiber cookies, as well as a supplement of proteins and amino acids.

With that diet, Argentina could lose 10 kilos, which was noticed in 3 sizes less on the clothes and there were many criticisms that he received, given that in the environment they assure that this diet was not necessary because “it is divine”.

Today, much more relaxed, it is no longer strictly restricted with food and some “allowed” are liked. Although he regained some of the pounds lost when he was on a diet, this is no longer his priority.

However, all that glitters is not gold. This type of diet is called “ketogenic”, because it forces the body to reduce fat deposits for energy due to low carbohydrate intake (maximum 50 grams per day or no more than 10% of calories consumed). As nutritionists warn, the risk of this type of plan is the well-known “rebound effect”, that is, when you return to consuming all kinds of food, the body recovers the lost kilos and, generally, exceeds the weight that it had before.

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