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The diet to prevent cholesterol and cancer

The Mediterranean diet and regular physical activity are the most effective weapons for beating hypercholesterolemia and cancer. The excesses of cholesterol in the blood responsible for the possible onset of cardiovascular diseases. Scientists at Harbin University in China have stated that healthy eating does not only mean eating certain types of foods, but also distributing them rationally throughout the day
The Mediterranean Diet to Prevent Cholesterol and Cancer: The Benefits of the Mediterranean Diet in Cancer Prevention.
Numerous studies have shown that a food style inspired by the principles of Mediterranean diet is able to reduce the risk of getting sick of cancer. The Mediterranean Diet, thanks to the high content of unsaturated fats, fibers, vitamins and trace elements, with anti-free radical action, has an important anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant power.

The diet to prevent cholesterol and cancer
In an article published in the Journal of the American Heart Association, the researchers note that some foods they should be consumed at specific times. According to experts, follow this principle to prevent the risks of cancer, cardiovascular disease and diabetes. At the same time. Those who follow a “Western diet” (eating large amounts of grains and starches – bread, potatoes, cheese and processed meat) often suffer from these diseases.
The cholesterol it is a fat present in the blood necessary for our body, but when its levels are too high, hypercholesterolemia arises, a disease responsible for even very serious cardiovascular problems, such as heart attack and stroke. The researchers explained that eat vegetables for dinner prevents the development of all categories of diseases. Also, experts suggest eating fruit after breakfast and dairy products after lunch. But they never recommend eating potatoes and other starchy foods after main meals.
Hypercholesterolemia (i.e. a blood cholesterol level over 240 mg / dl) is a condition that in the last 10 years has been particularly increasing in both sexes: it affects 38% of Italians against 24% in 1998-2002. These are the data from the Iss-Anmco Cardiovascular Epidemiological Observatory (Higher Institute of Health-National Association of Hospital Cardiologists). The most important role in the controlling cholesterol levels is up to the diet: foods of vegetable origin and low in fat are the best prevention but the importance of a correct lifestyle and one should not be forgotten either regular physical activity.

What are the main prevention actions for hypercholesterolemia?
The diet, weight control and daily physical activity, actions that are valid both in the treatment of the disease and for the prevention that must start at a young age. To this are added the controls especially if there is familiarity.
What nutrition is recommended to prevent high cholesterol levels?
The famous Mediterranean diet, in which it is important to consider certain foods and avoid others, such as overly refined flours, fats (butter and margarines), sausages, fried foods; pay attention to cheeses to be consumed once or twice a week. At least two or three portions of fish a week and red meat once a week are recommended; fruit and vegetables must never be missing. These are some examples.
What role does physical activity play in the diet in preventing cholesterol and cancer?
Not only is it an energy consumption tool for our body, but it also stimulates some substances, endorphins, which are good for our mood and also have a metabolic capacity, that is, by acting on the neurotransmitters at the hypothalamic level, they regulate the sense of hunger.

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