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The Devastating Hunger Crisis in Sudan’s Civil War: Children Die Every Two Hours in Zamzam Camp

Hunger Crisis in Sudan: A Catastrophe in Zamzam Camp

Hunger Crisis in Sudan: A Catastrophe in Zamzam Camp

By [Your Name]

April 13, 2024

Image source: Mohamed Zakaria/BBC

The Unrest in Sudan

The woman with sad eyes and a quiet voice is just one of the millions of people living in camps for those forced to flee their homes in Sudan, where a civil war broke out a year ago between the army and an armed paramilitary group. The country now faces what the UN says is the “world’s worst hunger crisis”.

A Mother’s Heartbreak

Qisma Abdirahman Ali Abubaker goes through the motions of waiting in line to pick up her food ration, but her heart is not in it. The small bag does not have to stretch as far as it used to for her family. Tragically, three of her children have died of disease and malnutrition in the past four months. She is just one example of the suffering in Zamzam Camp, Northern Darfur.

A Growing Catastrophe

Zamzam Camp, the oldest and largest displacement camp in Sudan, is facing a catastrophic nutrition crisis. The medical charity Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) recently conducted a screening in Zamzam and the results are horrifying. Three out of every ten children under five are acutely malnourished, along with a third of pregnant and breastfeeding mothers. This doubles the threshold for a nutrition emergency and confirms fears of a massive catastrophe.

The Struggles of Aid Agencies

Access to Darfur is extremely difficult for foreign journalists and aid agencies. With limited food, clean water, and healthcare, treatable illnesses have turned fatal. The lack of international aid workers and supplies has worsened the situation. The Sudanese military authorities have been slow to issue visas and internal travel permits, hampering aid efforts. Even the borders with neighboring Chad have been blocked.

A Plea for Assistance

The situation demands a massive mobilization of humanitarian aid. The international community must take immediate action to increase access, simplify bureaucracy, and reopen borders. Currently, many children are teetering between starvation and death in Darfur. It is crucial that humanitarian agencies resume their efforts and bring relief to those in desperate need.

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