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the details of Goal 65

The latest proposal from Poste Italiane is the Objective 65 Interest-bearing Coupon dedicated to those who want an income for their future. Let’s find out the details to understand if it is the solution we have been waiting for.


Cassa Depositi e Prestiti issues the Good Goal 65 and Poste Italiane launches it on the market. Let’s talk about a valid solution for those who want supplement future income turning his thoughts to retirement. The latest news relating to the topic “pensions” they are not positive especially for those who will leave the world of work in about twenty years. Here the workers begin to fear for their future and to hypothesize an uncomfortable old age. There is a need for a greater support and Goal 65 could be the right decision to make today to improve tomorrow.

How Poste Italiane’s Objective 65 Interest-bearing Bond works

If you want to invest in the future, Obiettivo 65 is the tool to consider. It is a voucher that allows you to integrate income after retirement, guaranteeing a certain income from 65 to 80 years. Among the main features of the voucher we mention the possibility of building one monthly payment proceeding with the purchase of vouchers up to the age of 54. From the age of 65, then, you will receive the monthly pension.

The advantages of Poste Italiani’s Objective 65 Interest-bearing Coupon are flexibility – the invested capital can be repaid at any time – la Guarantee of the Italian State el‘absence of costs apart from tax burdens. In addition, the instrument in question benefits from the subsidized taxation of 12.50% on interest.

How to buy vouchers

L’purchase of vouchers it can take place in different ways. You can choose to subscribe to Poste Italiane’s Fruit Vouchers through Libretto Smart by accessing the web portal or the BancoPosta App. Holders of a BancoPosta account can then opt for the online subscription of vouchers using l’Internet Banking. Finally, users can go to a post office and request the subscription of the instrument directly from an operator.

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The simulation of the installment

Before signing the contract it is possible know the installment that you will have to pay monthly simply by accessing the Poste Italiane portal in the Obiettivo 65 section and clicking on “Simulate Installment”. In the form that will appear it will be necessary to enter the amount to invest and the date of birth.

An example shows an amount of 15 thousand euros and an applicant born on November 13, 1983. The 180 installments will be 126.67 euros and the annuity will begin on December 13, 2048. The expected repayment value will be 19.510,20 euro.

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