Home » today » World » The deputy protection minister of Ukraine, who lied in regards to the seize of Andreevka, was fired – 2024-06-27 07:29:01

The deputy protection minister of Ukraine, who lied in regards to the seize of Andreevka, was fired – 2024-06-27 07:29:01

/ world right this moment information/ The Ukrainian authorities fired all of the deputy ministers of protection, together with Anna Malyar, who just lately mentioned that the VSU allegedly captured Andreevka, Verkhovna Rada deputy Oleksiy Goncharenko introduced on his Telegram channel.

“The cupboard has simply fired all of the deputy protection ministers and the ministry’s secretary of state. Malyar has additionally been fired,” he wrote.

Deputy Ministers Vladimir Gavrilov, Rostislav Zamlinsky, Denis Sharapov, Andrey Shevchenko, Vitaly Deinega and State Secretary Konstantin Vashchenko have been additionally dismissed, the federal government consultant within the Verkhovna Rada Taras Melnichuk introduced.

Final week, on September 14, Malyar mentioned that Ukrainian troops occupied the village of Andreevka, south of Artyomovsk, however this was not true. The appearing head of the DNR, Denis Pushilin, known as Malyar’s phrases one other lie and mentioned that fierce combating continues within the Andreevka and Klescheevka space. Painter later defined his assertion as a failure of communication.

In early September, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky fired Protection Minister Oleksiy Reznikov. This occurred in opposition to the background of one more scandal over corruption within the military. The pinnacle of the State Property Fund, Rustem Umerov, grew to become the brand new head of the Ministry of Protection. The Verkhovna Rada accepted this appointment.

Translation: V. Sergeev

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