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The deputy finance minister does not rule out a second lockdown in Poland

The great closing of the economy in the fall may return – warns Deputy Finance Minister Piotr Patkowski. As he admits, a second lockdown in our country cannot be ruled out. This would be a huge blow not only for the economy as a whole, but also for employees and business owners.

The black scenario that everyone wants and tries to avoid is the full shutdown of the economy. We saw something like that in Poland in March and April.

– We cannot 100 percent. exclude a second lockdown at the same level as in the spring – admitted Piotr Patkowski. The deputy finance minister added that another scenario is more probable.

– It will not be a total lockdown, but a point shutdown of sectors of the economy – explained Patkowski. In practice, this would mean closing – and only in certain regions – cinemas, restaurants, bars and theaters. However, it all depends on the development of the coronavirus epidemic in Poland.

Krzysztof Lace

Development: Maciej Nycz

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