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The departure of children from home is a good pretext for parents to reconstruct

According to a survey of 500 respondents aged 50-65, conducted by the Association of Czech Building Societies using the Instant Research method, half of parents in a similar life situation decide to “preserve” the children’s room in the form in which the child left it. . He then has the opportunity to return and still has his background in his original home.

“Leaving children home is a big change for parents and it takes a while for them to come to terms with it. It is certainly not against keeping the former children’s room in the unaltered state at the beginning and thus giving the child the feeling that he or she may return if it were the worst. However, when a child begins to live his or her own life, has a serious partnership or starts a family, parents should consider renovating the children’s room and converting it into, for example, a study or a guest room. Leading social life is important at this age, ”advises clinical psychologist Danuše Jandourková.

What turns into a relaxed children’s room

Photo: News

And that’s how the other half of parents decide. From the children’s room, he will either create a guest room (21%) or create a second bedroom so that each parent can have their own (16%).

Roughly the same number of parents (14%) will set up a study in the originally children’s room. Very few people find another use for a vacant room, for example in the form of a cloakroom or simply storage space (4%).

What else to reconstruct? The bathroom!

In many households, however, the need to transform a child’s room becomes a kind of trigger or pretext for more extensive work. The association’s survey therefore focused on finding out which spaces people repair most often, in addition to the children’s room.

In this respect, the results are easily predictable. Most often it is the bathroom (77%) and kitchen (68%), which are the rooms that are most used in most households, and therefore “age” the fastest.

The same number of respondents (30%) stated that, together with the renovation of the room after their offspring, they want to replace the floors at home or reconstruct the bedroom. Only slightly fewer people (29%) add a living room to the alterations. However, few (14%) decide to completely reconstruct a house or apartment.

How to pay for the renovation

It is the reconstruction “from the ground” that people sometimes postpone for several years, just until the moment when “young people fly out of the nest”, so that they can then make all the repairs and adjustments at once. Such several years of planning the reconstruction in advance has its advantages. It enables parents to prepare for a larger intervention in the face of the home, not only mentally, but above all financially.

“Reconstruction so-called ‘from the floor’ will cost several hundred thousand. Building savings is then an ideal tool for financing these modifications – either from savings or by credit. After all, one of the most common purposes for which building societies lend is the reconstruction or modernization of housing. In 2020, 35% of building society loans were reconstructed, and in the long run the share of reconstructions exceeds 40%, “confirms Jiří Šedivý, Secretary of the Association of Czech Building Societies.

However, unexpected events may occur during reconstructions, which suddenly increase the otherwise carefully calculated costs.

“For these situations, it is advisable to have an agreed revolving loan. It can serve as a permanent financial reserve, with which the client has the money ready at any time and for whatever is needed. In addition, the entire loan can be repaid flexibly and can easily be used repeatedly without the need for further approval, ”offers a possible solution Cyril Křůpala from Cofidis.

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