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The Democratic Republic of the Congo has the “worst measles epidemic in the world”, with more than 6,000 dead in one year

The World Health Organization (WHO), which draws up this terrible report, asks for an additional 40 million dollars to face it.

“The worst in the world.” The measles epidemic in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has killed more than 6,000 people in one year, said on Tuesday (January 7th), the World Health Organization. WHO is asking for an additional $ 40 million to address it.

In 2019, “more than 18 million children under the age of 5 have been vaccinated” across the country and “around 310,000 suspected cases” measles have been reported, says WHO. “25% of recorded measles cases concern children over 5 years of age, who are the most vulnerable”, adds the organization.

According to the WHO, “US $ 27.6 million has been raised” But “An additional $ 40 million is needed” for a six-month response plan aimed at extending vaccination to children aged 6 to 14 in particular. “We urge our donor partners to step up their emergency assistance”, said Dr Matshidiso Moeti, WHO Regional Director for Africa.

The epidemic has been exacerbated by the low immunization coverage of vulnerable communities, malnutrition, weak public health systems, outbreaks of other diseases with epidemic potential, difficult access of vulnerable populations to health care and insecurity hampered response in some areas. In addition to measles, the DRC is fighting against an Ebola epidemic which has already caused 2,233 deaths out of 3,390 recorded cases, according to the last official report dated Sunday.

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