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“The Democratic Party tries to buy us with the armchairs, I won’t withdraw” – Libero Quotidiano

There are those who say no to the electoral alliance between Pd e M5s. The green light given by the vote on Rousseau platform not liked by many, among the Giallorossi, but the opposition of Gian Mario Mercorelli, grillino candidate for Marche region, it is much heavier. “Why should I retire?”, Controversial question in an interview with Corriere della Sera. The former municipal councilor of Tolentino, pentastellato of the first hour, won the regional in March but now from Rome they would like me to step aside to choose a candidate in common with the Democratic Party: “I continue my electoral campaign, day and night. Today (yesterday, ed), for example, I went to the University of Camerino for a confrontation with the rector. I don’t stop. Period “. “Here in the Marche – he underlines – there is none never been a common project with the Pd. Here between the lines they said to us more or less like this: ‘Come and bring your votes to us and we will give you the armchairs’. In simple terms, the Democratic Party wants to buy us. It would be useful to talk about development, health care and instead take the time to divide the seats. I’m not interested in getting a vice presidency or the presidency of the regional council. I am not selling out the position of the Movement for a place. “

Three out of 5 regional councilors elected in the Movement push for an alliance with the Democratic Party, but Mercorelli points out: “One of these councilors left after six months, and he is anything but a councilor of the Movement. Maggi, the second, has always been very close to the left, historically and humanly can be ascribed to the left and as a former group leader he tried to sign the agreement without anyone knowing anything. And the Pergolesi, I am referring to the third councilor, she is part of the Maggi clan so much so that they have recycled themselves into a list in support of the Democratic Party “.

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