The survey on the credit situation in Colombia with a cut-off to June carried out by the Banco de la República showed that after a year of pandemic and in accordance with a greater dynamism than expected, “There is a recovery in the demand and supply indicators for credit.”
(Lender firm that operates in Colombia and Mexico declares bankruptcy).
According to the Issuer, with respect to the first, all modalities present positive balances, Except for microcredit, which has a balance of zero.
The survey says that this occurred in a context in which, for the banks surveyed, there was also a positive balance in demand for all company sizes and a rebound in access to credit for all sectors.
On the supply side, the indicators of changes in requirements indicate looser conditions in the granting of a new portfolio to households.
(More orange economy activities would benefit from credits).
The survey carried out by the Issuer among 29 credit institutions He says that more restrictive conditions are still perceived in the corporate sector, although the indicator has shown improvements in recent quarters.
Regarding the level of demands to grant a new portfolio in the future, those surveyed expect a relaxation of these for the next quarter.
Between April and June 2021, the indicator of the demand for credit for the commercial and housing modalities registered recoveries, reaching levels prior to the pandemic.
For its part, for consumer and microcredit portfolios a change in trend is observed, although it remains in positive territory for the first and at zero for the second.
(Debtors have redefined loans for $ 35.9 billion since August).
The Issuer’s survey says that in relation to the change in demand by type of entity, a deterioration is observed for consumer and microcredit modalities, and a growing trend for the housing portfolio in all credit establishments.
The commercial portfolio indicator shows a negative balance and zero for CFCs and cooperatives, in their order.
The indicator of perception of the demand for credit differentiated by the size of the firms, which last quarter was located in positive terrain in all credit institutions, shows deterioration in commercial finance companies and cooperatives, being located in negative and zero terrain for all sizes, respectively.
In banks, the balance for all company sizes remains positive.
Regarding the analysis of access to credit, the indicator of companies in the three types of entities decreased, which represents a deterioration with respect to the previous quarter, a period in which the majority presented a positive balance.
Medium and large firms are the only ones that have good access in banks, and small ones in cooperatives.
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