Home » today » Technology » The delta variant is now completely dominant in Stockholm: “We have to live with it until the vaccination is complete”

The delta variant is now completely dominant in Stockholm: “We have to live with it until the vaccination is complete”

The more contagious delta variant that was first discovered in India last week accounted for over 90 percent of all new cases according to Region Stockholm’s infection control. The variant’s rapid progress – at the same time as the number of new cases has doubled in three weeks – worries researchers.

– We see large differences between the regions where the delta variant has spread and where it hardly occurs at all, the variant is crucial for the spread of infection, says Joakim Dillner.

Joakim Dillner.

Photo: Photographer Ulf Sirborn

It is in the age group 18-29 years as the spread of infection is greatest. It is also in this group that vaccine coverage has not yet reached high levels. Until 20 July, only 27 percent of Stockholmers between the ages of 18-29 had received a dose of vaccine.

– It is clear that it is precisely this group, where many are still unvaccinated, that is driving the epidemic, says Joakim Dillner.

“Only a few outbreaks of the delta variant can lead to many new cases, and new outbreaks will probably come until we have finished the vaccination,” he says.

Maria Rotzén Östlund.

Maria Rotzén Östlund.

Photo: Carl-Olof Zimmerman / TT

According to Maria Rotzén Östlund, infection control doctor in the Stockholm Region, the increasing spread of infection is worrying. She believes that the region is now in an important time for how the spread of infection will develop.

– The figures themselves are not very high, the worrying thing is that something is happening, that the curve is pointing upwards again, she says.

The infection control doctor considers that the increasing spread of infection should be seen as a warning bell for the younger Stockholmers, who have not yet been vaccinated.

– It is important that those who have only just been offered a vaccine also take their syringes quickly, says Rotzén Östlund.

Even though the spread of infection in the region continues to increase, no new regional recommendations are to be expected according to the infection control doctor.

– No, I do not think it will be relevant. We still have significantly fewer infections now than last spring and because the elderly are vaccinated, the pandemic’s impact on care is much smaller, she says.

However, she emphasizes the importance that Stockholmers follow the recommendations that remain, to keep their distance, socialize in small groups and to stay home in case of symptoms.

– My analysis is that we were very good at staying home at the slightest symptom this spring, maybe we have lost something. It is important that we stay at home even now during the summer, no matter how boring it is, she says.

Read more:

The infection has increased by 44 percent in Stockholm

Stockholm will start vaccinating young people on 9 August

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