It was an event that the authorities feared, it is now official. The Delta variant of COVID, about 60% more contagious than the English variant, is establishing itself in Corsica. At least nine cases have been detected on the island, ARS said. this Thursday morning during a press conference.
The contamination dynamic should also continue according to the authorities, since the viral circulation of the Delta is now on the island, and the dynamic will continue. « We are going to have an exponential evolution of the Delta in Corsica, it is written »Comments Marie-Hélène Lecenne, regional director of the ARS.
« Initially, we had imported cases and we had managed to master the distribution channels. Today, we have identified positive people in the Delta after a stay in Corsica, which means that the virus is circulating on the island. When we look at what is happening in other European countries, we are on the same dynamic of rapid progression of the variant. »
Is a 4th wave possible on the island this summer? « Yes a 4th wave is certain»Replied the director of the ARS. « _Now, it is the intensity of the wave that is in question, hence our mobilization for vaccination_. If we get vaccinated today, in five weeks we have the full vaccination schedule ».
A vaccination that does not wait
In order to avoid new problems in hospitals, but also ” restrictive measures starting this summer “, The ARS and health professionals call for immediate vaccination.
One-third of those over 75 have not received a dose and a majority of young people, the main contaminated category today, do not rush to vaccination centers. However, Corsicans should not wait, says Dr. Jean Canarelli, president of the board of the Order of Physicians of Corse-du-Sud.
“We are fortunate to have an effective, quality vaccine, developed in record time, and yet we find ourselves playing the tricky saying that we want to wait until September or October, no! _Today the epidemic is starting again and the variant is there_. With all the consequences that one can imagine at the health, economic, psychiatric but also educational level. We have colossal stakes, with a solution that can resolve the problems quickly, and that solution is the vaccine. We have the means, we have the doses available, now is the time to go! If we vaccinate today, in five weeks the protection will be very effective, and in three weeks it will already be 3/4. If we don’t go, it’s because we want to get sick, or else, because we want to pose a public health problem … »