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The delayed transfer of Hannam-dong’s residence … still “in the final inspection phase”

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President Yoon Seok-yeol, who transferred the presidential office from the Blue House to the Yongsan Ministry of National Defense after taking office, commuted from his private residence in Seocho-dong, Seoul, five months after joining load.

The presidential office is said to be carrying out a final inspection to move to the official residence of Hannam-dong, but the opposition party has paid taxes to fix it and has asked for an explanation as to why they have not moved yet.

Reporter Shin Soo-ah will tell you.

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Around the Hannam-dong residence, Seoul, where President Yoon Seok-yeol and his wife Kim Kun-hee will move.

From the entrance to the road leading to the residence, security is strict, so photography is not allowed.

Since August 31, the area around the official residence has been designated as a protection area for military facilities.

At the end of May, we selected a government building renovation company through a private contract and carried out the construction worth KRW 1.24 billion.

Since then, the security of the area has been further strengthened by designating it as a protection area of ​​a military facility, but the occupation did not take place for more than five months after the inauguration.

[윤석열 대통령 (지난 13일)]

“(Relocation of official residence) This is not an important issue. Now it seems that the safety measures, security and so on are finished, so now I have to prepare for the move, but I am busy right now …”

Large household items such as furniture are known to be quite full and moving objects are gradually moved from the Seocho-dong residence.

However, the presidential office is avoiding answering the exact date of the transfer, saying, “We will inform you of course.”

A presidential office official said today in a briefing: “We are conducting a security check on the Hannam-dong diplomatic mission, and this is almost the last check.”

As for the reason for the delay in the move, he explained, “It took a long time to set up the security structures because the official residence of the Foreign Minister is much older than expected”.

The opposition has already been compensated more than 100 times in the past five years.

We ask the Foreign Minister who carried out the construction to disclose what further works have been carried out.

[전용기 의원 / 더불어민주당]

“It is regrettable that the presidential office discloses construction details and ignores the reasons for the delays in moving as far as the blood of the public has been paid for.”

He also pointed out that the public needs a compelling explanation as to why the relocation is delayed as residents around the Seocho-dong residence are also experiencing hardships due to the president’s commuting to work.

This is MBC New Suah Shin.

Video coverage: Seo Doo-beom, Kim Hee-gun

Video Editing: Woo Seong-ho

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