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The definitive tool to discover your roots

Have you ever wondered where does your last name come from and what does it mean? Now, thanks to an innovative online tool called “Surname Map“, you can easily discover the origin and meaning of your surname.

Available in both a website as in a application For Android devices, this tool allows you to explore the heritage of your last name in a dynamic and educational way.

How to use the Surname Map:

  • Visit the website or download the app: The platform is available in both web format and an Android application.
  • Enter your last name: In the search bar, type the last name you want to research.
  • Press ‘Search’: Click the button to start the search.
  • Explore the results: The map will light up in the places where your surname is most common, also showing details about its origin and meaning.
  • Using modern technology to connect with the past


    Currently, the “Surname Map“can trace surnames in the following countries:

    • Germany
    • Belgium
    • Denmark
    • Spain
    • France
    • Netherlands
    • Italia
    • Poland
    • Portugal
    • United Kingdom
    • Republic of Ireland
    • Rumania
    • Swiss

    Using modern technology to connect with the past

    Additional information on the platform:

    • Variants of the surname: The platform shows variants of the surname and its prevalence in other countries.
    • Historical and cultural details: In addition to the map, information is provided about the origin and historical significance of the surname.

    This tool is not only useful for those interested in genealogy and family history, but also for those curious about the etymology and geographic distribution of surnames. Be sure to explore the “Surname Map” to discover more about your heritage and share your findings with family and friends.

    These are the most common Spanish surnames in Mexico:

    • To: Abraham, Acevedo, Acosta, Aguado, Aguiar, Aguilar, Alarcón, Alba, Aldana, Alcalá, Alegre, Alfonso, Alfaro, Almeida, Alonso, Álvarez, Amigo, Amado, Amaya, Aranda.
    • B: Baltasar, Báez, Barral, Barrios, Beato, Benavente, Benítez, Bernal, Bravo, Bueno, Bermejo.
    • C: Cabrera, Calvo, Camacho, Campo, Cantos, Carrasco, Carrillo, Carvajal, Castellanos.
    • D: Delgado, Diego, Díez, Díaz, Duque, Domínguez, Durán, Dorado, Duarte.
    • E: Enrique, Enríquez, Espejo, Esperanza, Espinosa, Escudero, Esteban.
    • F: Fajardo, Fernández, Ferrer, Ferrero, Figueroa, Flores, Fuentes, Fuertes.
    • G: Gálvez, García, Gato, Garzón, Gil, Gimeno, Giménez, Gómez, Granado, González, Gutiérrez.
    • H: Haro, Henríquez, Hernández, Heredia, Holgado, Herrera, Huerta, Hurtado.
    • I: Ibáñez, Israel, Izquierdo.
    • J: Jaén, Jiménez, Jimeno, Jorge, Juárez, Julián, Lázaro.
    • L: Leal, Lara, Larios, Leiva, León, Lima, Linares, Lobato, Lobo, López, Lorca, Lorenzo.
    • M: Madrid, Madrigal, Macías, Machado, Manuel, Márquez, Marchena, Marcos, Martínez, Marín.
    • N: Nájera, Navarro, Navas, Nieto, Núñez.
    • O: Ocampo, Ochoa, Olives, Elms, Olive, Ordonez, Olivares, Orellana, Ortega, Ortiz.
    • Q: Pacheco, Padilla, Palm, Palomino, Brown, Walls, Couple, Grape, Peace, Easter, Pedraza, Peña, Perez.
    • Q: Quirós, Quemada.
    • A: Ramírez, Ramos, Real, Rey, Reina, Ribera, Ricardo, Rivero, Robles, Roca, Rivas, Rodríguez, Ruiz, Salgado.
    • S: Salinas, Salas, Salazar, Salcedo, Salvador, Sánchez, Sancho, Serra, Serrano, Sierra, Silva.
    • T: Talavera, Toledo, Torre, Torres, Trigo, Úbeda, Uría.
    • The: Urrutia.
    • V: Valero, Valle, Vara, Varela, Vargas, Vázquez, Vega, Velázquez, Vera, Vergara,
    • Villanueva, Vidal.
    • Z: Zalazar, Zaragoza, Zúñiga.

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