In the future, Haaga-Helia will require more attendance from students than at present. The decision dismayed and surprised many students.
Many students are surprised and dismayed by the decision of Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences to impose stricter attendance requirements than before. The decision is justified by improving students’ well-being and unifying practices.
Starting next fall, you must be present 75 percent of the time and show activity in all local, remote, and combined implementations. If the absence is more than half, the result is rejection.
Tradenomy student Aino Sjöberg says that there hasn’t been a unified strict line before.
– It has almost been decided by the teachers themselves, but many courses have been advertised in such a way that it is really easy to attend while working.
Haaga-Helia announced its new policy on Wednesday on its website.
Applied to Haaga-Helia in the joint application Nora Kavasto misses the timing of the decision. He would have liked to have known about the orientation before making a decision about which school to apply to.
For Kavasto, who is pregnant, flexibility was an important factor when deciding where to apply. He says that now he doesn’t know how he will get through his studies in the fall if he gets elected to Haaga-Helia.
The desire for a place to study has changed to the fear of getting it.
– I just hope for the best that I don’t get into the first search option, which is Haaga-Helia. I hope I can go to another school, says Kavasto.
More than 300 names
Some of the students think that studying becomes impossible in a situation where, at the same time, strict attendance is imposed and Prime Minister Petteri Orpo’s (kok) government makes cuts to students, which forces them to work more.
The decision is opposed with an address that had collected more than 300 signatures by Thursday afternoon. In the address, it is estimated that Haaga-Helia’s decision to attend will lead to prolongation of studies and interruptions.
– The upcoming reform will not improve students’ well-being – on the contrary. The current Haaga-Helia brand of flexibility will suffer a big loss with this reform, the address states.

Nora Kavasto hopes that she won’t be able to study in Haaga-Helia. Nora Kavasto
Unity and well-being
On Haaga-Helia’s website, the decision is justified in particular by improving the well-being of students.
According to the University of Applied Sciences, the need to increase attendance has been raised by both teachers, students and Haaga-Helia’s student welfare team.
– Loneliness, mental health problems and deterioration of well-being can be seen in study courses, receptions of study psychologists and coaches and research results, the website says.
Vice principal responsible for learning and guidance Minna Hiillos says that, in addition, some of the starting students have been found to have deficiencies in their study readiness and skills.
Hiillos estimates that the background of the situation is the pandemic period, when high school and vocational school got used to distance learning. The result has been, among other things, a fear of meeting people.
Hiillos tells about a student’s speech on the matter.
– He said he can’t get out of bed when he’s afraid to come to campus.
Hiillos says that he is personally very concerned about the situation of young people and that the concern is widely shared in Haaga-Helia.
This was also behind the decision to attend.
– We thought that this is the way that we as a higher education community have, that in this way we gently nudge students to come to the campuses.
In addition to the well-being of the students, the attendance decision is justified by the unification of practices.
A difficult sport
Chairman of the Helga representative board of Haaga-Helia’s student union Diana Muraskina and chairman of the board Ilona Hirvonen say they understand both the reasons for the decision and the criticism directed at it.
Hirvonen says that he has been involved in discussions where the matter has been discussed. He says that the decision came as a surprise mainly because of its quick implementation schedule and scope.
– When we talked, it sounded like we are still in the very early stages of the whole process, but now it has already been announced, says Hirvonen.
Vice principal Minna Hiillos says that information about the schedule has been shared. He admits that the message could still have been left on the way.
– Communication is a difficult sport, says Hiillos.
Haaga-Helia’s decision has been opposed at the address. Illustration picture. Minna Kurjenluoma
Negotiations continue
According to Muraskina and Hirvonen, the cooperation with Haaga-Helia has been smooth. They believe that good solutions for the students can be found through negotiation for this decision as well.
– We still need to discuss more about the details of the decision, that it would serve the students and that the transition would also be smooth enough for the students, Muraskina says.
According to him, Haaga-Helia has offered flexible opportunities to study, for example, when life situations change. Muraskina does not believe that flexibility would be abandoned.
Hirvonen emphasizes that some of the students are multi-modal students, for whom combining studies and work requires flexibility. He is worried that the decision, which extends to distance learning as well, may make it difficult for multidisciplinary students to cope with their studies.
Hirvonen believes that it is still possible to negotiate on the matter.
Vice-rector Minna Hiillos also finds cooperation with students to be smooth. He says that it is still possible to file the details of the decision.
– You can always think about whether there are any solutions that could be done differently than planned.
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