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INTERVIEW. Razika Adnani, philosopher, Islamologist and lecturer, sheds light on the question of fasting for top athletes.
By Guillaume Mercier

For Razika Adnani, philosopher, Islamologist and lecturer, football matches should not be interrupted in order to break a religious fast.
© Thierry LARRET / MAXPPP / Thierry LARRET/MAXPPPPublished on
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Ln Thursday March 30, the French Football Federation (FFF) reminded all clubs of the ban on interrupting matches in the event of breaking the fast. This decision follows amateur meetings stopped for this reason. On Sunday April 2, the Nantes player Jaouen Hadjam was dismissed from the team by his coach Antoine Kombouaré on the grounds that “on the day of the match, you should not fast. There is a lot of intensity, you have to be ready”.
Conversely, in England, the federation authorized referees to interrupt matches for breaking the fast. In order to understand the stakes of this debate, Razika Adnani, philosopher, Islamologist and lecturer, member of the Orientation Council of the Foundation of Islam in France, returns to the question of religious fasting for athletes.