Home » today » Entertainment » The death of Sabrina Querci in Florence: mourning in the world of fashion – Chronicle

The death of Sabrina Querci in Florence: mourning in the world of fashion – Chronicle

Sabrina Querci

Florence, 23 July 2021 – It died in Florence, Sabrina Querci, 52 years old, fashion designer, model and eclectic artist. She had been ill for some time. Querci was born in Prato but had moved since she was a young girl in Florence and then in Milan, London, Paris and in the United States where he carried out his multifaceted activity.

Daughter of Antonio Querci, historical custodian in Prato di Palazzo Pretorio where she lived in the apartment that was inside the palace, Sabrina attended the Cicognini classical high school but his interest has always been that of fashion and art. The muse of many photographers, she liked to say that hers was a “vain profession”.

An eclectic artist, she has been one of the reference figures for years of the fashion world, photography, innovation and the arts. The farewell ceremony will be held on 24 July from 2.30 pm to 4.30 pm at the Public Assistance L’Avvenire, via San Jacopo 34 in Prato.

And meanwhile there are many messages of condolence on social networks. “Fly high in the sky Sabrina and rest in peace, that peace that you have been missing in recent times thanks to that alien who has chosen you “, reads on Facebook. Her agency, Q. Connections, has been the protagonist of the world of precisely fashion, with particular attention to young talents.

“Muse first and foremost for my brother Marco, who at the age of 6 was already making me the outfit for Sunday outings with a crochet beret. Since then the costume has become my kingdom and modeling my first real step in the hyperuranium of fashion. But I’ve never considered myself a model and that’s it, “she said in an interview with Panorama.

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