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The death of Irena Dziedzic. The prosecutor’s office discontinued the investigation

The fact established that the Warsaw-Praga District Prosecutor’s Office discontinued the investigation into the death of the legendary TV journalist Irena Dziedzic, because the investigation showed that no one contributed to her death.
– After assessing the evidence collected in the investigation, it was found that the journalist’s death was not due to possible actions of third parties, but natural causes – says Marcin Saduś, spokesman for the Warsaw-Praga District Prosecutor’s Office.
The investigation also investigated the issue of leading to unfavorable disposal of property to the detriment of the journalist and improper care of her. These threads were also canceled, because no crime was found.
Irena Dziedzic was not poisoned
The former public television star died on November 5, 2018. The public learned about the death two months later. Just before the funeral. In October 2018, the prosecutor’s office received a notification on the conclusion of unfavorable contracts to the detriment of the aggrieved party, as well as exposing her to the risk of loss of life or health. Investigators took up the matter after the journalist’s death.
– In connection with the above, proceedings were initiated for the crime of manslaughter – explained then the prosecutor Saduś.
The prosecutor’s office ordered not only an autopsy, but also a toxicological test to rule out poisoning Irena Dziedzic. An autopsy showed that the cause of the journalist’s death was cardio-respiratory failure and lesions. – The presence of drugs was detected during toxicological studies. Their content in the blood and body of the victim indicated that these were drugs taken for medical purposes, in amounts recommended by doctors. These substances did not contribute to the victim’s death – assures the spokesman.
As part of the investigation, the issue of leading to an unfavorable disposition of the property of, among others, disposing of money in the victim’s accounts and issues related to possible improper care of the journalist. These threads were also canceled.
– We have established that the money was intended for the day-to-day maintenance of the victim, care, food purchase and other vital needs. What’s more, the people who helped the victim because her own funds were not enough to cover the fees, added them out of their own pocket – says Fakt to Saduś.
In the last months before her death, the journalist met a general practitioner and, at the same time, a fan who befriended her in some way and took care of her as needed.
– This person helped arrange babysitters from Ukraine, mostly financed by the journalist. The doctor also supported the victim with certain fees. There were situations where there was not enough money for the fees, so the doctor covered them from her own funds, because she needed help with an elderly person who was quite lonely, says prosecutor Saduś.
Investigators did not find any crime in the care of Irena Dziedzic. – A dozen or so witnesses were questioned in this case and none of them confirmed that the aggrieved party raised any objections to the care provided, and on the contrary, she was very satisfied with it – says the spokesman.
Investigators also investigated whether there was a crime related to the apartment of the former TV star. – It was established that the contracts she concluded were signed voluntarily and that the aggrieved party was the initiator of their conclusion – the investigator explains.
He recalls that Irena Dziedzic transferred the ownership of her segment in Saska Kępa in 2012. The man who became the owner of the property paid off the journalist’s debts and undertook to pay her PLN 4.5 thousand every month. PLN. And he did it. Therefore, the prosecutor’s office decided to discontinue the investigation into the death and property of Irena Dziedzic. The decision is now final.
The legend rested in Laski
Irena Dziedzic was a legend of Polish television. From 1956, for 25 years she hosted the program “Tele-Echo”, called the first Polish talk show, on Telewizja Polska.
Although she was often referred to as an announcer and presenter, she always emphasized that she was a journalist and publicist. She was brilliant, always well prepared, ready for any eventuality, skillfully conducted the conversation, and her guests were often simply afraid of her.
The news of Irena Dziedzic’s death was made public only on January 12, 2019. Two days later, her funeral took place. The former TV star was buried at the cemetery in Laski near Warsaw.
– The biggest star of Polish television in the times of the Polish People’s Republic. Intelligence, class, perfection, veiled malice, irony – she combined all this fantastically. She was a forerunner of television programs; her “Tele-Echo” was watched by all of Poland, and it must be admitted that if you compare its programs with today’s celebrity interlocutors, the difference is visible. It was more a salon than a show – this is how Fr. Andrzej Luter, in social media. He also celebrated a funeral mass for the deceased journalist. Irena Dziedzic died at the age of 93.

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