Home » today » News » The Deadly Impact of the Coronavirus on New York Elderly Care Centers | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

The Deadly Impact of the Coronavirus on New York Elderly Care Centers | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

having hired relativesand friends through a statementRivera denies allaccusations.adriana: after an orderjudicial departmenthealth of new york, reveals thetrue death figuresfor the coronavirus.How does our tell uscompanion, from albany, thehumers are high wings of themthat the prosecutor had denouncedstate.reporter: wings of 20,000residents in centersolder adults in new york havedied from the coronavirus.after a judgeorder to deliver the datainside is and outside offacilities to the organizationempire center, which demandedinformation since the summerpast.said the dice exceed the73% of whatit was known, and now it remainsanalyze the causes.[habla en ingés]reporter: said that despitemeasures taken, hundreds ofresidents continue to die,so it is urgent to investigate.about univisón news41 spoke with an victimrecent coronavirus,who in January was confined indowntown buena vista inbrooklyn, to rehab froma loss of health.but he fell ill and died in ahospital, as well as wings of4000 center patientstransferred to hospitals.Why do they accept them if nothave the ability toserve them?he was only for two weeksmore and it’s not why you call memaá and says “I’m in aroom with a patient whohas the virus “, my mother I do not knowrealizes.reporter: not part of yourpolicies keep patientspositive and negative in thesame room.we are nothinggoing through the duel of havinglost my dad, toowe went through the frustration,injustice, the anger of seeinghow they treated him.reporter: the oldest occupies therank number 13 with highestmortality.new york ranksnumber 13 with higher mortality

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