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“The Deadly Effects and Dangers of Methamphetamine (Shabu) Warned by Saudi Narcotics Control Directorate”

The General Directorate for Narcotics Control in Saudi Arabia has warned of the effect and harm of methamphetamine, or what is called “shabu”, describing it as a “deadly drug”, as it causes the user’s body temperature to rise and then he suffers from convulsions, which may lead to death.

Abuse of this drug leads to an accelerated heart rate, high blood pressure, damage to small vessels in the brain, cardiac arrest, and “heart and confusion,” according to the Drug Control Directorate.

Drug abuse is accompanied by agitation, violent behavior, and a loss of connection with reality and separation from it, and thus the drug user may commit heinous crimes.

What is shabu?

“Shabu” is an addictive drug “from the first dose” and sometimes leads its users to death, according to the “Saudi Drug Control Authority.”

This substance is known by several names, including “crystal meth, shabu, sabo, snow, and glass meth,” and it may come in the form of a white powder or pills and tablets.

Shabu is a drug that is synthesized from methamphetamine, which is considered a “strong stimulant that affects the central nervous system,” and that substance increases the amount of the natural chemical dopamine in the brain, which ultimately leads to addiction, according to “US National Institutes of Health“.

The substance “methamphetamine” leads to the user’s loss of connection with reality and separation from it, and increases the severity of his violence, and leads him to suffer from diseases of “schizophrenia, paranoia, extreme suspicion of others, and audio-visual hallucinations,” according to the same source.

A video monitors the operation.. A resident was arrested for “promoting shabu” in Saudi Arabia

The Saudi security authorities announced, on Tuesday, the arrest of a resident of Bangladeshi nationality, after he was spotted in a video clip promoting the drug “Shabu”.

Among the dangers of methamphetamine is that it causes “hallucinations and aggressive behavior” and leads to “heinous crimes,” according to the “National Committee for Drug Control in Saudi Arabia.”

What are the health and mental damages of “Shabu”?

In previous statements to Al-Hurra website, the medical advisor for the Egyptian Center for the Right to Medicine, Dr. Muhammad Ali Ezz Al-Arab, revealed that shabu is one of the most dangerous drugs, and has the ability to cause addiction three times more than cocaine.

He pointed out that drugs such as “shabu” and “Captagon” increase the activity of the nervous system and enhance the feeling of physical strength.

“Abu Zahra” and Shabu… deadly drugs spread in Arab countries and a warning of a “social catastrophe”

The spread of “synthetic” drug abuse in a number of Arab countries has raised questions about the repercussions of this on the health of users on the one hand, and the effects that these drugs have on society on the other hand, while experts warn of catastrophic future repercussions for this spread.

He talked about the physical effects of these drugs, such as “loss of movement, concentration, convulsions, and unjustified outbursts that the user cannot control,” which may lead to strokes and sometimes death.

In a related context, the director of the Fund for Combating and Treating Addiction and Abuse in Egypt, Dr. Amr Othman, pointed to the close link between the use of “shabu” and the increase in mental disorders and illnesses.

And he talked about the serious harms of shabu, which is one of the stimulants that increase aggressive behavior in the user and leads to the person committing the crime in “cold blood” and is proud of it at times.

Dr. Othman revealed “the prevalence of shabu, especially among young people in the age group from 15 to 25 years,” pointing to “the repercussions of this on society as a whole.”

For his part, Professor of Sociology, Said Sadiq, linked the spread of these new types of drugs in a number of Arab countries during the last period, and the emergence of “new” crimes that threaten the security and safety of society.

He pointed to the “cheap price of these drugs,” which prompts addicts to turn to them as an alternative to traditional drugs, whose prices have increased, describing their spread among young people and the working class as a “societal disaster.”

According to Sadiq, these synthetic drugs transform the society from “a healthy and productive person to a sick, lethargic person from whom no benefit is expected,” as he put it.

2023-05-27 05:03:27
#Saudi #Arabia. #warning #impact #damage #deadly #drug

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