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the day she was ridiculed by Natalie Portman … in front of everyone!

Thanks to her hard work and determination, Camille Lellouche now has several strings to her bow. Comedian on the Web then on stage, actress in a few films, she is now realizing her lifelong dream by becoming a successful singer and author. But her beginnings were not always so obvious, and the young woman had many nasty surprises.

Guest on Guillaume Pley’s set in Le QG, Camille Lellouche addressed many personal and professional subjects, including that of her success. Because if she has lost many friends following her dazzling notoriety, she largely believes that she deserves it today. After several years of sacrifices, the comedian has now reached the top, and not without difficulties, especially during a shoot, when she finally ghosted the film.

Jealous of Natalie Portman

Ready to tell the whole truth nothing but the truth on the set of HQ, Camille Lellouche recalled an experience that particularly hurt her, “I played with Natalie Portman, and I had two or three scenes with her that were really fantastic. And I had a really nice dress in that scene, and actually when I saw the movie, not only were all of my scenes cut, but she was also wearing the dress. “. Looking pained, she then reveals that it is the film Planetarium, “I didn’t have a big role in that movie, but I had lines with her, moments with her and it was completely cut off. And I find myself when I watch the movie, with her and the dress that I carried me.“According to her, Natalie Portman has certainly been”jealous “ and certainly played on his notoriety to oust Camille Lellouche…

“It was very embarrassing”

But before discovering her ousting from the film, proud to have shot alongside a famous actress, and after being invited, Camille Lellouche went to the preview with all the actors, in front of the photographers , before discovering the pot aux roses “I put myself in the room and I see that I am not in the film. It was very embarrassing. It was ridiculous, I wish they hadn’t called me.“.

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