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“The Day ON AIR” Interviews PP-DB Deputy on Current Political Developments in Bulgaria

Things are developing dynamically. The President has not handed over the first mandate yet, there will be more meetings. After the holidays, we expect the first mandate to be given to GERB. I don’t know if there have been any conversations in recent days. Thus summed up the situation between the first and the second in the National Assembly, the deputy from Prodluzhvame zamenata – Democratic Bulgaria (PP-DB) Vladislav Panev in the studio of “The Day ON AIR”.

After the lull in communication after the presentation of the “Denkov” design cabinet, he expects a restart of the meetings: “These new meetings are inevitable, we are in the parliament to talk and look for a way out of the situation”.

The deputy commented that Boyko Borisov often changes his position and “we should not attach great importance to his words”. Panev was adamant that there is no split in the PP-DB coalition.

It is normal to have a different opinion, we are 6 parties, there is a different opinion, a split – no,” the guest told Bulgaria ON AIR.

For the future of governance, he pointed to a reform-minded regular government as the only effective option.

“A minority government with 64 MPs is very easy to blame if there are no clear pre-written plans. If we just bring in a cabinet and some majority votes for it, a new parliamentary majority can vote on whatever priorities it wants, but the responsibility will be on the government.” , Panev gave an example.

The People’s Representative admitted that PP-DB cannot govern without the support of GERB-SDS.

“We must seek talks with all parliamentary groups, the math shows that it would be a very imaginary option without the support of the largest group. A minority government without the support of GERB-SDS is impossible,” the calculations show.

The deputy’s prediction, if it comes to new elections, is that they will not produce a different picture, except to strengthen the role of the radical parties.

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2023-05-04 19:37:00

#Vladislav #Panev #split #coalition #opinions

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