On January 31, 2022, Nordahl Lelandais appeared before the Assize Court of Isère, in Grenoble, for the murder of Maëlys. Fifteen days during which the accused repeat that he did not want to kill the child. Present, the parents of Maëlys and Colleen, her sister, unsuccessfully ask the murderer to tell the truth. At just 17 years old, Colleen pushed him to his limits.
Interviewed in The time of the crime, Serge Pueyo, RTL correspondent in Grenoble and in the Alps, tells how, during the trial, the young teenager, almost topple Lelandais.
“She planted herself in front of Nordahl Lelandais and she said to him: ‘Tell me what you did to my sister. You raped her? You did something to her? And Lelandais wavered. We thought maybe -be only at some point, he was going to crack and then no. He sat down again and put his head in his hands. This face-to-face between Colleen and Nordahl Lelandais was the highlight of this trial”, describes the journalist.
On February 11, 2022, Nordahl Lelandais was sentenced to life imprisonment, with a security period of 22 years. Me Alain Jakubowicz indicates that his client will not appeal.
The guest of “The Hour of Crime”
-Serge Pueyo, journalist RTL.