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The day Elizabeth put Harry back on Meghan’s fault. And a tiara

A private and severe conversation between grandmother and granddaughter, a full-blown “ramanzina” on the eve of the wedding. Grandmother the queen Elizabeth of England, the nephew who was going to put Prince Harry back in place, that soon, il May 19, 2018, would have brought the former American actress to the altar Meghan Markle. the last chapter of a small mystery that has been going on for some time and which, gradually, is enriched with new details and revelations. At the center of everything, a diadem, to be precise, the diadem that the bride would have worn and that she actually wears on her wedding day: the Queen Mary’s Lozenge Bandeau, a very particular and precious Art Dec tiara belonging to Queen Mary (Elizabeth’s grandmother) and also worn by Princess Margareth in 1965.

The hairdresser here and wants the tiara

After choosing the tiara on loan from the family jewels, as the tradition of royal weddings dictates, Meghan would have liked to try it with her hairstyle too and decided to have her hairdresser Serge Normant come from Paris for the purpose. So that day, according to the confidences made by a source in the palace at Daily Mail, she and Harry showed up at Buckingham Palace, they asked to Angela Kelly, trusted stylist of the queen, as well as responsible for all his wardrobe, saying, more or less: We are at the Palace, we want the diadem for the test, can we have it immediately please ?. Angela Kelly replied that request was not possible. Simply because it didn’t work like this: they are particular jewels, kept under lock and key, you can’t have them suddenly just because a certain hairdresser arrived from Paris. There is a security protocol to follow. Besides, Harry and Meghan showed up without even asking for an appointment.

Harry and Meghan on their wedding day (Epa)

What Meghan asks for law

At that point Harry would go on a rampage and even use rude language against Miss Kelly. For some time there has been talk of a famous phrase What Meghan wants, Meghan gets (basically What Meghan asks for the law) said with anger by Harry about the tiara. At first it was written that he would even say it in front of the queen because Meghan would have wanted to wear another jewel and not the tiara of Queen Mary. Hardly credible that Harry expressed himself in these terms to his grandmother.
Then arrived the new biography of Harry and Meghan Finding Freedom (unauthorized, but very suggested, it is said, by Meghan Markle herself) to give the story the pro-Meghan version: Harry would get mad at Angela Kelly because he wasn’t helping Meghan find the right tiara for her. Once again the American fiancée was treated as a stranger, as well as by the family, even by the Palace staff in the most delicate moment of her life as a quasi-princess, the wedding preparations. No, that’s not exactly what happened. The anger was s against Angela Kelly, but because Harry and Meghan could not dispose of the tiara as they please. And not, as previously written, because Meghan would have preferred another tiara to Queen Mary’s Lozenge Bandeau.
In short, no spite against Meghan but an objective impossibility to satisfy an untimely request and inappropriate.

In the end the queen intervenes

Harry’s outburst would then be reported to the queen (was Kelly herself? Who knows, but likely) and Elizabeth would not take a moment to summon her nephew to remind him who he was, what his duties were and the tone with the which one he had to address to the Palace staff and in particular to Angela Kelly who, over the years, has become much more than the “seamstress of the queen”, but her confidant and friend. No coincidence that the only person that Elizabeth she wanted at his side when she was forced to take refuge in Windsor from Buckingham Palace in the toughest days of the English lockdown. Harry was put in his place, the source reveals to the Daily Mail. In short, the bickering over the tiara had been remedied. But it was only the beginning of a fracture which, month after month, would have increasingly distanced the pair of the Dukes of Sussex from the rest of the royal family and from the United Kingdom. To the great sorrow of the sovereign who has always had a special affection for Harry.

August 2, 2020 (change August 2, 2020 | 15:33)


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