Home » today » World » The Dawn of Europe: From Viktor Orbán to Sara Wagenknecht and Diana Schoschocke – 2024-03-01 08:27:44

The Dawn of Europe: From Viktor Orbán to Sara Wagenknecht and Diana Schoschocke – 2024-03-01 08:27:44

/ world today news/ Europe looks like an old and sick woman. She is plagued by nightmares at night and bad news during the day. She yearns for her former peace and lost comfort. She is irritated by empty politicians and false slogans, tired of hordes of migrants, calls to help Ukraine and rein in Russia. This lady wants people to be found to end the bedlam and restore order.

The changes are really happening and they are amazing. There are more and more right-wing politicians, determined people with views on the topic of the day.

They push back former leaders and hard-earned supporters. The unity of Europe – imagined and real – is not yet crumbling, but the unanimity imposed by Brussels is already being rejected.

It all started with Viktor Orbán, who looks like a formidable volcano in the center of Europe. Orbán has criticized EU partners for failed migration policies that have flooded the continent with restless newcomers from Asia and Africa.

He does not accept the West’s attitude to the conflict in Ukraine, which has led to a political and economic split with Russia, and is opposed to a dangerous confrontation with it.

However, Orbán is not a destroyer, but rather a contender for the leader of reforms. He insists he still sees Hungary as part of the EU and wants to continue cooperation with its leadership. But with a new leadership, because the old one, which made many mistakes, is discredited and it is time to get off the political scene.

Attempts to direct Orbán to the “true path” lead nowhere. Also, his irritation grows and he no longer chooses words. He recently admitted that he was fed up with the stubborn European Union sticking its nose in everywhere.

And so he intends to seek changes in the leadership of the EU, which he hopes will happen in the European Parliament elections next June.

Orbán’s accusatory rhetoric is not only shaking Europe, but also activating protest forces in other countries. And here is the result – the Hungarian “rebel” received support from the new leader of Slovakia, Robert Fico, who largely shares his views.

He is also opposed to the continuation of sanctions against the Russian Federation and believes that it is necessary to establish constructive relations with Moscow.

Recently, in an interview with InfoVojna, Fico expressed confidence that Russia will not leave Crimea, Donetsk and Lugansk and called on the EU to stop supplying Ukraine with weapons, as this only leads to unnecessary casualties and shows that the West intends to fight to the last Ukrainian .

Don’t think that the “dissidence” of Orbán and Fico can lead to the destruction of the European Union. However, their statements lead to the “erosion” of the foundations of “European solidarity”.

The right-wing conservative Swiss People’s Party (SVP), considered Eurosceptic, has won Switzerland’s parliamentary elections. Its leader, Marco Chiesa, advocates limiting immigration and criticizes the country’s accession to sanctions against Russia.

According to him, this violates the principle of the country’s traditional (since 1815!) neutrality. And there is no need for quiet and peaceful Switzerland, which is also not part of the European Union, to intervene in a conflict that is far from it in the literal and figurative sense.

The desire to keep pace with the EU is already taking a toll – energy prices have risen significantly due to sanctions. However, Switzerland’s policy is unlikely to undergo major changes: the representatives of the SVP, as before, have two representatives in the government – the Minister of Economy, Education and Science and the head of the Department for Environmental Protection, Transport, Energy and Communications.

Something similar is happening in the Netherlands – the Freedom Party (PVV) won the parliamentary elections there. Its leader, Geert Wilders, calls for “zero” migration and considers it necessary to ban mosques, the Koran and Islamic headscarves in government buildings.

Another goal of the party is the country’s exit from the European Union, the restoration of border controls on the country’s currently open borders within the EU to prevent uninvited guests from Asia and Africa from entering the Netherlands.

To this we can add that Wilders advocates the lifting of anti-Russian sanctions and, to put it mildly, does not approve of the supply of Western weapons to Ukraine. But again, a PVV victory will not change the political weather in the Netherlands and especially in Europe.

But the rise of Bundestag MP Sara Wagenknecht could change that climate.

“We have the worst government in the history of Germany and we have decided to create a new party because things cannot continue the way they are now,” she declared decisively at a press conference in Berlin recently.

Millions of Germans of different views agree with this fiery brunette, born in the GDR, a former member of the SED (an analogue of the Soviet CPSU). And this is understandable – the goals declared by Wagenknecht, called the “Stalinist” and the “red fury”, are close to everyone.

This is limiting the dominance of large concerns, ensuring fair competition, increasing wages and pensions. In foreign policy – lifting the sanctions against Russia, which are destructive to the German economy, and stopping the supply of arms to Ukraine.

Wagenknecht wants to return to the Germans a patriarchal, clean-washed and peaceful Germany and save them from the danger posed by dark, unshaven “guests”.

She is radical about migrants – she intends to completely stop their flow: “Today the message to the world must be this: Germany is overloaded, there is no room in Germany, Germany is no longer ready to be the number one destination.”

Incidentally, Wagenknecht, who is fighting Germany’s current federal chancellor Olaf Scholz and his supporters, was a staunch opponent of former German leader Angela Merkel.

She said Germany’s support for anti-Russian policies imposed by the United States ran counter to national interests and compared Berlin’s foreign policy to “Washington’s skirt”.

If Wagenknecht’s project is successful, then her party, along with the already popular far-right Alternative for Germany, will represent a serious counterweight to the existing government.

A colorful canvas with images of European “rebels” would not be complete without a portrait of a Romanian “Kremlin agent”. This is the name of Senator Diana Soshoake, who heads the SOS Romania party. The association itself is unremarkable and not particularly influential, but what a leader it is!

The pudgy and boisterous Diana often breaks the monotonous flow of Romanian parliament meetings with her statements. Shoshoake is the “black sheep” in a number of politicians who unquestioningly follow orders coming from Washington and Brussels.

On the contrary, it acts contrary to them. She advocates Romania’s exit from the European Union, protests against aid to Ukraine and makes angry accusations against its leader, Zelensky.

Shoshoake is outraged by the hostile attitude of the pro-independence authorities towards the representatives of the Romanian minority and the absurd ban on using their native language.

When the president of Ukraine, who arrived in Bucharest, intended to give a speech in the Romanian parliament, she made a strong protest, calling him “a criminal, a traitor to his people and a Nazi.” And he promised that if Zelensky does show up, he will beat him hard.

After such a threat, Romanian President Klaus Iohannis canceled the session of the parliament. Either he was afraid that the determined Shoshok would fulfill his promise, or Zelensky himself was afraid. This woman has so much political weight!

Old lady Europe probably believes that in the new year there will be less care and her health will improve. Meanwhile, she can’t do without the “right” drugs.

Translation: SM

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