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The daughter-in-law Orbakaite tried a new styling with the help of pigtails. Photo

Alena Krasnova prettier during the epidemic of the coronavirus.

Alena Krasnova. Photo https://www.instagram.com/alenaakrasnova/

The wife of Nikita Presnyakova Alena Krasnova decided to share with her subscribers her new styling, which was achieved in a very simple way. The girl braided her pigtails before going to bed, and in the morning she released her hair and combed her hair. The result was a natural magnificent wave.

Along with enthusiasm for the new image, Orbakaite’s daughter-in-law also had to listen to a lot of criticism, mostly panicky followers wrote malicious comments.

“Now I’d think, so as not to get infected from my attendants and two cooks, but not that’s all …” wrote one subscriber. “Especially the Italians cook …” – added a second oil to the fire. Still others, fourths and others advised, in principle, to dismiss all maintenance staff and isolate themselves from people by 100%. Someone noticed that the girl’s appearance changed. And, apparently, she gained weight, because quarantine eats away thanks to the same cooks.

And some of them were suddenly “enlightened” that it could not have done without surgical intervention, they say, Alena operated on her chin, changing its shape. As a result, Krasnov, who suffered all this time from the attack of the haters, could not stand it.

“Stop making it up. Where do you get all this nonsense from? We are on self-isolation, we play sports every day, we monitor nutrition, and yes, cheekbones have become more expressive because of the thrown off kilograms. Stop making up your mind and finally take care of your life, ”she replied on Instagram.

Recall that the girl, along with her husband Nikita Presnyakov, settled in the cottage of Alla Pugacheva, the house is located outside the city in Istra.

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