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the date has already been established

2025 will be the year in which we will have to say goodbye to the landline forever. The prediction of the English is clear and the elderly will pay the price.

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The news has arrived that had been in the air for some time. Soon, in a few years, we will have to say goodbye to the landline and use your smartphone only. The estimated date in Great Britain is 2025, year in which technological evolution will be complete and merciless towards a specific segment of the population. The reference is to older people who are fond of the landline phone and see the smartphone as a difficult object to use. Not everyone has children or grandchildren who can educate them on using a modern mobile phone and many seniors they will find themselves alone in the face of change.

The revolution is already underway

The massive use of the internet and the convenience of using a smartphone always at hand are the signs of a digital revolution which is in place. Families and companies will increasingly increase the need for a connection to the web and fast communication, supporting the technological evolution that lies ahead. Many have already abandoned the landline phone and many others will follow the same wave in the following months and years. Farewell it will be official soon but hopefully it will be accompanied by an efficient management of the problems that will inevitably arise.

What to expect from the change

One study compared the switch to the digital terrestrial of 2012 with what will soon involve the landline phone. Nine years ago the government led the population to technological transformation and the interruption of the transmission of analog signals. Today, it is feared that the abandonment of the old to switch to digital calls alone is exclusively imposed and guided from the telecommunications industry.

As a result, various telephony-related services will suffer an impact that is difficult to manage. The update will affect alarm systems, payment terminals, telephones in elevators and even the old telephone booths which, few of you will know – in some places they are still used.

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Disturbing consequences

If the situation were not handled properly it would incur worrying consequences. We think of those who live in rural areas where the internet is difficult to reach or of the technologically impractical elderly. The transition into 2025 would risk leading to differences that are difficult to heal.

Studies in Britain, for example, have reported that 6% of the population does not have access to the internet. Let’s talk about 1.5 million homes. Half of the people over the age of 75 cannot connect and often the problems are of an economic nature. Moving to mobile with landline phone abandonment should only happen if telecom providers can ensure that we all have access to emergency services without increasing the expenses for those who, today, have only a landline telephone.

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