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the data of the epidemic in Italy

The Ministry of Health, today, Sunday 8 November, released the data of the coronavirus epidemic in Italy via bulletin.

(Ministry of Health)

New update from the Ministry of Health concerning the Covid-19 epidemic in our country. According to today’s health chart, the cases of contagion since the beginning of the emergency have risen to aa 935.104 with an increase of 32.616 unit. The subjects are also increasing currently positive which to date amount to 558.636 (+26.100) and patients hospitalized in intensive care 2.749 (+115) in total. The number of healed has come to 335.074 with an increase of 6.183 unit. In the last 24 hours, they registered 331 deaths which led to the overall death toll a 41.394.

The Abruzzo Region, the notes read, communicated that from the total of positive cases one case was eliminated as a non-Covid patient. For the same reason theEmilia Romagna he cleared A case.

Coronavirus, bulletin: the numbers of Covid-19 in Italy on Saturday 7 November

(Getty Images)

According to the health table from the Ministry of Health released yesterday, the number of people resulted positive to the virus since the beginning of the emergency had risen to 902.490. The subjects increased currently positive which amounted to 532.536. The admissions in intensive care that mattered 2.634 patients. The number of healed had come to 328.891. Unfortunately, the budget of the deaths for a total of 41.063 dead.

TO FIND OUT READ HERE -> Coronavirus, the bulletin of November 7: the data of the epidemic

Coronavirus, bulletin: the numbers of Covid-19 in Italy on Friday 6 November

The Ministry of Health on Friday released the numbers on the outbreak from Covid-19 in Italy. The number of overall infections had risen to 862.681. Of these 499.118 were the currently positive. The number of patients in intensive care instead it was equal to 2.515, while that of healed had risen to 322.925. Finally, in the bulletin, it was found that i deaths they had increased, bringing the budget to 40.638.

TO FIND OUT READ HERE -> Bulletin of November 6: almost 38 thousand new cases of contagion

Pandemic, black picture for Europe: Italy is on the list of infections

The United States, fresh from the election of the new President, continue to remain gripped by Covid-19. Yesterday, according to the data provided by theOrganization World Health (WHO) in just 24 hours the cases of contagion have touched the 117 thousand units. To date, the data from Johns Hopkins University speak of important numbers: since the beginning of the emergency there would be 9,860,958 infections and 237,113 deaths.

In the list of countries most severely affected by the virus, the second appears to be the France. Despite the lockdown and all the measures taken by the government in just 24 hours, more than 60 thousand almost. A situation that raises many concerns if we look at the overall numbers of the country across the Channel which from the beginning of the pandemic to date would have found almost 2 million cases and over 40 thousand victims.

In third place theIndia with 50.356 cases only yesterday. Numbers that add up to the total of 8,507,754 cases since the beginning of the Pandemic. Unfortunately, the victims in the Asian country are 126,121 to date.

L’Italy is placed fourth. With 37,802 cases recorded yesterday, the number of total infections has risen from March to today to 902,490. The death toll continues to worsen, reaching a total of 41,063 units.

TO FIND OUT READ HERE -> Pandemic, black picture for Europe: Italy is on the list of infections

Calabria, Health Commissioner in the storm: “Masks? They don’t serve a c … “

Freshly appointed, Giuseppe Zuccatelli it is already at the center of the controversy. According to some, the new health commissioner of the Calabria region would not be absolutely suitable to fill the role for which he was chosen. Some of his statements about viruses and masks determine this belief.

The mask does not serve a c…. Distance is needed!”Zuccatelli stated in this video that has now become shared in every corner of the network and launched by the senator Marco Siclari. “To catch the virus, if I were positive, you would have to kiss me with your tongue in your mouth for a quarter of an hour, otherwise I won’t pass it on“. Statements that have opened a new crack within the Calabrian health. “The virus is caught if you have a relationship in which the drops of saliva reach you for at least 15-20 minutes”.

Words that have sparked serious indignation, first of all that of Senator Siclari who, as anticipated through his Facebook page, disclosed Zuccatelli’s video accompanied by the following ironic comment.

I was the first, on January 31, 2020, in the parliamentary hall to tell the Minister of Health that masks had to be used. Even before Covid-19 arrived in Italy, so as to avert the outbreak of the Pandemic. How will the newly appointed Dr. Zuccatelli now convince me that they are not useful for a c …?”Wrote Siclari.

TO FIND OUT READ HERE -> Calabria, Health Commissioner in the storm: “Masks? They don’t serve a c … “

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