In our country, a taboo topic has been established that the media and the political class have decided to keep on the surface, and it is related to the side effects that plague the vaccinated population and about which no one wants to talk.
A nurse prepares a dose of the Pfizer covid-19 vaccine
First of all, it is worth stating that you do not want someone to fall ill or suffer any consequences as a result of the vaccine, on the contrary, you want to warn so as not to fall into deception again and find solutions. The scandals of side effects, as time goes by, are impossible to hide, although these may take time to manifest from the first months to the next 10 years, at this point we are already facing a major crisis, for example, problems cardiovascular diseases, coagulopathies, neurological conditions (among the youngest), neurodegenerative diseases, demyelinating diseases and myelopathies, alterations in menstruation, anti-inflammatory and autoimmune conditions, hearing problems, dermal conditions, liver conditions, are the most common.
Much has been said about the Government’s actions in the face of the pandemic, however, little analysis is dedicated to the position taken by Mexico’s opposition. The Government’s actions could only highlight that López Obrador opted for the universal and optional vaccine, that is, most vaccine brands for those who wanted to get it. Other countries, such as Macron’s France, opted for subordination to Democratic Socialist Globalism, since those who were not vaccinated with the brands of globalism were fired from work and were socially segregated, even uttering the phrase “I’m going to shit everyone.” the unvaccinated”, it is that France that today finds itself immersed in a health, moral, political and spiritual crisis of which Joan of Arc would be ashamed.
Meanwhile, the world’s oppositions, mainly those linked to the right or nationalism, have been frank and openly questioning the entire health policy, the restrictions, the vaccine and the origin of the virus. For example, Donald Trump has a new piñata, calling on his followers to refuse mandatory vaccines, business closures, masks, etc.; European parliamentarians who strongly opposed COVID passports and are leading lawsuits over the side effects of the vaccines, people like Dr. Robert Malone who was one of the creators of the vaccine is today its main detractor, even the issues of overwhelming censorship that lived on networks like Instagram or Facebook have made other networks become stronger, such as X (formerly Twitter) in which the muzzle command was removed.
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In Mexico, it is surprising that the unvaccinated do not really have a voice, the supposed opposition dedicated itself during the pandemic to asking for more vaccines, more confinements, more masks, more tests, and recently, after and despite the Pfizer Gate scandal, they wanted to force the government to make Pfizer one of the vaccines they gave free of charge instead of Sputnik or Abdala. In fact, the actions of the opposition are more questionable, since when they had the government at their back and could question it for having in Mexico all the side effects that the universal vaccine implied, leading collective lawsuits, demanding care protocols for the side effects of the different brands, taking the side of the citizens and not of globalism, but what do they demand? More vaccines, more restrictions, more masks.
Therefore, it would be important to be aware of the position that Claudia Sheinbaum, “There are two super powers in the world, one is the USA and the other is you, the little super power”, therefore, I call on all the little super powers to raise their voices.
2024-01-06 12:05:00
#Lets #talk #side #effects #vaccines #taboo #Crónica #Hoy