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The Dark Side of Artificial Intelligence: Deception and Manipulation in the American Version

American version of AI deceives and manipulates people

AI will become an integral part of reality for the next generation. Reuters photo

The American version of artificial intelligence (AI) is set to deception and manipulation, which humanity will soon cease to notice, Elon Musk warns. According to him, existing AI is imposing on the world a “niche ideology of San Francisco and Berkeley” that will be unacceptable to the rest of the world. In China, major companies are already negotiating to regulate a Chinese variant of AI that can counter American ideologies.

Elon Musk, head of Tesla and SpaceX, and owner of the social network Twitter, praised the development of the AI ​​industry in China in connection with the World Conference on Artificial Intelligence held in Shanghai, Xinhua reported. Musk said that in the future, China will make significant progress in the field of AI, since the country has a lot of educated specialists. However, the agency reports, the American entrepreneur called for regulating the AI ​​industry around the world due to fears and risks regarding the “dark side” of its rapid development.

Claims about the “dark side” of AI technology have been around for a long time, and in May, Musk and about 1,000 experts, scientists, and entrepreneurs signed an open letter calling on artificial intelligence labs to suspend the development of advanced AI until they are developed, implemented and tested. independent experts common security protocols for such systems.

In an interview with popular American journalist Tucker Karlsson on his social network channel, Musk recently voiced his main fear related to AI. “A super-strong AI capable of writing well and understanding how to influence people more clearly will get into Twitter and begin to manipulate public opinion. Millions of these humanoid bots will do it en masse, leading to disaster,” Musk said. As a defense, he suggests marking accounts so that it is clear where the person is and where the bot is.

It is no coincidence that the conference in Shanghai has been held since 2018, as more than a thousand companies engaged in the development of AI technologies are located in this metropolis, employing tens of thousands of specialists. According to forecasts, by 2025 this industry will bring the city about $60 billion, twice as much as in 2020. It’s hard to imagine that appeals that look a little too late will be able to stop such an industry, although there are some indications that a small AI bubble has inflated on a global scale. According to CB Insights, global investment in AI projects decreased by 34% in 2022, to $45.8 billion.

The “Letter of 1,000” resonated with politicians. Humanity is entering a new technological era, while being completely unprepared, UN Secretary General António Guterres said in an address to the participants of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) summit. Artificial intelligence is an area where management capabilities lag far behind, he noted.

As the Wall Street Journal noted, the administration of President Joseph Biden began in April to explore the need to regulate artificial intelligence services, including the fourth-generation ChatGPT chatbot, which began the activation of disturbing statements. The US National Telecommunications and Information Administration is developing guidelines to ensure that AI systems do what they are supposed to do and, more importantly, don’t do what they shouldn’t. “Responsible AI systems can bring enormous benefits, but only if we eliminate their potential consequences and harm,” said Alan Davidson, head of the department.

The European Union also recently announced that it plans to tighten the regulation of AI. An AI law is being discussed in Brussels that will aim to reduce the risks posed by various models of this technology, said European Commissioner for the Internal Market Thierry Breton. The entry into force of this law is scheduled for 2023.

In China, the principle of transparency is being promoted, neural networks should be understandable and explicable for users. Since the beginning of January 2023, the rules of the Cyberspace Administration have been in force, which prohibit the creation of deepfakes to the detriment of national interests. And in April, a draft paper on AI service management was posted for public comment. The main thing is that AI-generated content should promote the basic principles and values ​​of socialism and should not contain provisions that undermine the foundations of state power. It is also impossible to use the advantages of generative neural networks for unfair competition.

“AI is maturing today as a technology, a political tool, and as an object of legal regulation,” Elina Sidorenko, director of the Center for Digital Economy at MGIMO and head of the RSPP arbitration tribunal for resolving digital disputes, told NG. – The focus of the AI ​​governance controversy is shifting from ethical issues, from issues of responsibility for products obtained with the help of AI, as it has been for many years, towards the technology itself. Under the pretext of cybersecurity, attempts are being made to limit the use of AI in certain types of activities, industries, in addition, there are calls to limit specific types of technologies.”

The United States, which pioneered the implementation of AI, is now trying to keep the palm, the expert explains. “Laws are already being submitted to Congress to ban the use of chatbots other than ChatGPT, which will certainly create a competitive advantage for the latter and even complete leadership: after all, AI becomes smarter the longer it works, learning from more and more new tasks. The United States is promoting the topic of the danger of “foreign” systems. China has a different approach, it understands the threat from the United States in this area, which is also purely economic in nature. China masterfully plays on the idea of ​​AI low cyber risk and increasingly introduces AI into all spheres of life, developing its systems in the domestic market with the prospect of entering external markets,” says Sidorenko.

“There are also differences in restrictions on areas of application. For example, Western countries reach a consensus not to use AI in the defense industry, they are alarmed by the results of experiments when AI proposes to destroy the operator who has formed a difficult task in the field of defense. China verbally supports this approach, but actively uses AI in its defense systems,” the expert continues.

In fact, there are risks of using AI, the issue of responsibility for its use remains, and no one knows where that button is, that switch that will stop the actions of AI at some stage if something goes wrong, says Sidorenko. “As for Russia, we have progress in the development of AI, the authorities and business are focused on its development, on its widespread use in the economy and public administration,” the expert says. “The Russian Federation also sees the risks of using such technology, but now, especially in the context of sanctions, we cannot oppose the United States and China in this area.”

2023-07-09 16:40:04
#clash #Western #Eastern #artificial #intelligence #begun

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