The host told why adoption in Ukraine is so problematic.
Leading ZhVL Timur Miroshnichenkowho with his wife Inna recently adopted a childspoke about the pitfalls of this area.
Miroshnichenko shocked that orphanages actually earn a lot of money from orphans and spoke about the schemes of how this happens. In an interview with Masha Efrosinina, the presenter noted that the state is not interested in adopting children.
“The state is not interested in adopting children. We have been deep in this topic for more than six months. All I could understand is that this area is not inferior to drug trafficking, arms trafficking, prostitution in terms of the turnover of the dough. to adopt a healthy, newborn child in the queue – 50 thousand euros. Just get in the queue,” commented Miroshnichenko.
We are talking about the queue into which candidates for adoptive parents become. Timur noted that he and Inna were not offered to pay, because they understood that they would immediately publish this information. However, many wrote to the host’s wife in the photoblog, where they said that they were required to pay a bribe.
“And who do you pay? .. Someone .. They didn’t voice it to us, because they understood that we would tell everyone right away. But hundreds of people wrote to Inna on Instagram. Who paid. They can’t talk about it publicly, because they already accomplices in this process. It is impossible to prove this. The scheme has been worked out at all levels,” Miroshnichenko explained.
The host told how exactly orphanages make money on orphans. In particular, Timur shared, the life of one child in an orphanage is very expensive for the state. However, pennies reach the child himself. A child can eat an apple for a holiday, but only saw a banana in the picture.
“Most money is earned on children who are in orphanages. The life of one child in some kind of children’s institution is very expensive. But in fact, the child has never seen a banana in his life. “One scheme. The second scheme. The state pays extra for each disease. Accordingly, it is beneficial to throw in as many diagnoses as possible for a child. Firstly, the institution will receive more money for this child. Secondly, everyone looks at this diagnosis and thinks: “Oh, No, this is a very sick child” and they will never take him,” Miroshnichenko shocked.
The third scheme, according to the facilitator, works through children’s homes, where about 100 children can live. And the state pays extra for each child. But in fact, it turns out that such a house does not exist:
“And only if some kind of check goes, the children were taken somewhere there, collected, and here they live. The check left, the children were returned to their place of deployment,” Miroshnichenko said.
We will remind, earlier the wife of Timur Miroshnichenko Inna told how their son Marco reacted to the appearance of a younger brother in family. The leader’s beloved was worried that her son would be jealous of his parents for a new family member.
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