Home » Business » The Dark Era of State Security in Czechoslovakia: Bohumil Doubek, Infamous Estebák, and Political Torture in Ruzyné Prison

The Dark Era of State Security in Czechoslovakia: Bohumil Doubek, Infamous Estebák, and Political Torture in Ruzyné Prison

State security had absolutely free hands after 1948. It brought together fanatical communists, sadistic deviants and spineless careerists – often all in one. Bohumil Doubek was one of the infamous, brutal Estebák who worked in the 1950s in Prague’s Ruzyné prison, where they tortured political prisoners. As the right-hand man of the communist reporter Karel Šváb, he also helped eliminate the enemy within the party. One of the first scapegoats was Otto Šling, head of the Brno Communist Party. He participated in how Rudolf Slánský would testify during his trial, in which not only Otto Šling but also Karel Šváb were convicted. Doubek later fell into alcoholism, was released from the service, and was arrested in 1957 for illegal investigative methods, but was released the same year.

2023-11-01 18:35:10
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